I think it was something along the lines of Rossi's Ego out-waying his talent, so the shoulder must be OK then? ...
Crikey just seen this, he is one Lucky person t be alive, and is lucky Plod didn't get hold of his Cam, he was far to impatient, he could have taken the other bikes a lot earlier when he had more view, so many errors, I hope he learns from it, next time he might not be as lucky
So let's discuss again why this road has a high accident rate and why we think the 50 zone is silly? This guy is a moron - and it's only pure luck in my opinion I'm typing 'is' a moron rather than 'was'? The C and F is a decent road, yes, but knee down everywhere? On a busy, notorious road? Really??
some people can get their knee down at 10deg lean angle..this guy who's being followed seems to be one of those peolpe
The guy in front seemed to me to be in control and riding decently (although given my skill level, I'm probably the last person to know). The guy with the camera looks a bit of a cock, he is constantly pulling up too close. After the overtake (well dubious) guns it and goes in hot, deep and panics. A more skilled rider could have recovered easily I reckon, when I watch this it really brings home why there are so many bloody accidents. Little sympathy, this is why we are all tarred with a very shitty stick. Bloody lucky to be alive John
aaaaaaaannnnnd the BBC have picked up on it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-26848603 Nowhere does it say he was riding like a cock....just how dangerous the road is. But at the end it says the police are investigating...that'll teach him to go for his 15 mins of fame
Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. (Is that what Stoner said to Rossi?) Yes, he rode like a cock but how many times have you ridden like a cock and got away with.. Certainly when I was younger, I took daft risks and more by luck than judgement, I'm still here today, Perhaps by posting this on YouTube, he will learn quicker and become the more rounded and wiser rider that we all think we are.
Nope.......he is just a cock - the size of which is directly proportional to the number of braincells he employs when out riding his bike. He is as dangerous to the rest of us as he is to himself.