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Cats and the RSPCA

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by marc.w, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Superb logic funky.
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  2. I get fed up everyday of clearing up cat crap in my gardens
    The three I find live opposite me and are left out before they arrived I had no crap in my garden.
    I have tried coffee grinds/water/ a hose/ scaring them/garlic/onions
    If you have a cat I think you should keep it indoors with a litter tray
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  3. I see no shortage of dog shit Ducbird, should they be kept indoors with a litter tray also ?
  4. I have a cat & greyhound who are best of friends (took a while) but neighbours cats are fair game if they come in the garden

    Most the neighbours have cats, they don't visit my garden
  5. No the owners should
    I always without fail picked my dog crap up and if I can so should all the other owners.
  6. Perhaps knowing who the cat belongs to we get the owner to clear the mess up hmmmm winder where we stand on that one
  7. i dont like cats, but the shaved one i do find quite interesting
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  8. to stop f'tards thinking i was an idiot who didnt take responsibility for the behaviour of my pets....its called common sense..:rolleyes:
    because knobheads assume that theyre dangerous dogs if anything did happen, numpties would assume that the owner of the Staff would be to blame..you know, those people who give them a bad name...you try and act responsibly and the same numpties think youve proved their point....

    great bit of circular logic there john...
    #28 funkyrimpler, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  9. i dunno..i wander in, quite uninvited, shit all over the thread, wind the cat owners up until theyre spitting fur balls and then saunter off without a backwards glance....maybe spray up the side of a pot plant on the way out...hey, but at least i dont stink the house up by sh1tting in a tray on the kitchen floor. (cue witty reply)

    btw...why does cat p1ss stink sooooo much....??
  10. right I'm off to buy a panda some glasses
  11. If your cat crapped on my lawn and I knew it was your cat would you happily remove it from my garden johnv
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  12. As a young un we grew up with family cats and all males had their big ends chopped off and females had their gearbox's removed. Males never pissed everywhere and so on...
    The cats around here shit everywhere and shag.
    I blame the owners

    Next doors cat sits on my shed winding up my springer who barks non stop.. But one day
    The cat didnt realise i was in the shed and. ....... Not been in the garden for a while :biggrin:
  13. What do cat owners think of cats killing rare wild garden birds?
    Even getting their paws into bird boxes to slaughter the young?
  14. I think it is very unfortunate when it does happen, but as bradders pointed out it doesn't happen all the time. My cat will kill the occasional furry thing but very, very rarely birds. Do you not think that the term 'rare wild garden birds' is a bit emotive, why not just say 'garden birds' ? There is no reason to assume a cat could be able to get its paws into a properly sited bird box.

    I do not feed birds in my garden but I still get a wide range of birds and even red squirrels.

    A significant killer of wildlife in the UK is the motor vehicle, what do you think of that ?
  15. If you asked nicely and I liked you I would in the interests of neighbourly harmony.

    Unfortunately not all dog owners are as responsible as you and clean up after their dog.
  16. Would you come and be my neighbour

    It really grates me when animal owners aren't responsible for their pets crap
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  17. Give me strength....sorry, but this is an idiotic response..'nuffin to do wi me guv'...
    soooo...its up to us to properly site bird boxes then is it? to try and protect them from verminous cats....WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO???

    what about NESTING BIRDS???

    should we tell them to build a nest somewhere else??? That scumbag moggy used to skulk for hours stalking the blackbirds in my garden..if i shoed it off once, i did it dozens and dozens of times...next thing, theyre dead and literally ripped open, the chicks beheaded and a couple left dying, feathers, blood and entrails on the ground....but hey ho, the scabby old cat didnt bring back any evidence so it's all good..it didnt happen...just these cat haters extrapolating all sorts of misguided facts....

    what sort of defence is, 'My cat will kill the occasional furry thing but very, very rarely birds'...that you know of..thats okay then, dont worry about it mate...probably had some kids pet gerbil too..not that you'd know..but hey..they should have put stronger wire on the cage...

    Ive even had the dirty vermin in my house!! ive come down stairs and had one in the kitchen..filthy thing was on my worktops...this happened twice..scummy fkn thing...suppose i'd had budgies, goldfish, rodents??..or better..a fkn great big cobra...
    the dirty fkn thing was eating roast chicken from a plate..dirty, flithy, horrible creature...how would a cat owner feel if a dog sauntered into their kitchen and started rifling the bin , or took a dump on the floor..outrage i would reasonably expect..and would expect recourse from the owner...but a cat...tough titty mate, get on with..its up to you to keep the door shut...

    As for the remark about cars..well....sorry mate but this is beyond stupid..how you can draw some kind of correlation to someone driving a car when a rabbit runs out and your lovely cat stalking a pigeon eating some bread in someones back garden?? Just sums up the ignorance of many a cat owner...rather like the ignorant dog owners who let their animals crap in the street without cleaning it up...at least they can be shamed..
    dont forget, a fair few moggys bump up the road kill numbers...its not uncommon to see the odd cat flattened at the roadside having cashed in the last of its 9 lives..maybe you should suggest a curfew on cars?
    I actually stopped the other week when two lads let their dog drop one on the pavement..they looked round to see if anyone was watching and began walking off..i pulled the car over and gave em some well chosen words..dirty buggers..they picked it up with a carrier bag and skulked off...
    a significant killer of wildlife in the UK is the domestic cat....
    If a dog kills a cat (which is very rare), i see it as saving the lives of hundreds of animals...
    if a cat scratches a child then no action is ever taken...cat owners take no responsibility whatsoever for their animals, citing nonsense like, 'well its a cat, its in their nature'....total ignorance... and this is entirely borne out by the responses on this thread.
    If i had another dog, and if it killed a cat coming into its garden i would have no problem taking it back to the owner and leave it on their doorstep, like the many gifts they happily leave...
  18. Must admit, when I see all the headlines of cats mauling some young child to death, or leaving the postman scared, it does concern me. Something needs to be done.
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