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Cats and the RSPCA

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by marc.w, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Have you tried lion or tiger pooh as a deterrent? I`m not making this up by the way. I have had wild ducks come to my house the last 5 years and lay eggs and raise the chicks. The first year a fox came in and tried to take the eggs .I lost some pet ducks to a fox some years ago and was determined that these wild ones would survive so after camping out with a loaded mongrel for acouple of nights I went to a local zoo and got fresh tiger poo.It seemed to keep foxes and cats away. Health and Safety reasons meant I could not get the fresh stuff the last two years in case of disease in the poo and me suing the zoo but you can get stuff called Silent Roar on the internet. Seems to be working so far as not lost any of the chicks to a cat or fox, even when they are just a few days old and very small and vulnerable.
  2. Have read this thread with interest as I am a (fairly) recent cat owner and have always had dogs before
    I have two Russian Blue girls, both 'done'
    I am pirennially surprised as to how clean and 'fussy' they are
    They have an electric litter tray that self cleans and a cat flap that they use during daylight if we are in
    I am certain they dont crap outside because they actually come back in to use the litter tray and then go back out!
    Other cats however do use our garden - I think they are male cats judging by their size and I think its another marking of territory thing
    It is annoying I accept but in truth I see it as no different to the heron that comes and nicks our fish from the pond, the frogs that are all over the drive at some times of year and the bird poos that end up on the cars etc now and again
    Cats tend to roam a long way - even our cats who are pretty timid in truth - it would be very difficult for their owners to control - some of the cats that visit I have no idea where they live!
    I never used to 'get' the cat thing but now I have two I would not be without them as they are really lovely - as are dogs but in a different way!
    Unfortunately pet owners of any pursuasion - cat,dog, horse anyhting dont often seem to see other peoples points of view
    I have been attacked by dogs often whilst mountain biking - and sometimes with my young son who would be terrified - owners who because they were in the country would let their dogs off the lead and out of sight. My wife has been chased by a bull mastiff whilst running after it decided to leap a wall and chase her down a main (rural) road - it was huge (she is quite petite) and she was really scared - it actually bit the back of her runnig top and tore it
    It wasnt the dogs fault on any of these occasions tbh - it was the owners because they didnt consider others and understand the pets that they control. They rarely accept that a person confronted with a dog barking and unknown to them out of the blue is going to be scared by it - even when the dog is jumping up barking and snarling! Its rare when an owner will apologise and take their dog under control - the usual response is simply to shout 'its ok he /she wont hurt you' and to keep walking!
    It would be cruel to keep cats in as they are animals that need exercise (as do dogs) but they should be neutered or spayed as appropriate and if my cats were crapping elsewhere I would clean it up - when I had dogs they were kept on a lead unless in an open space eg field - I wouldnt let them run off out of sight!
    Bit of a random collection of thoughts but the issue is complex and I can see both points of view - I accept that most cat owners wuldnt care a damn about their cats and where they poop!
  3. perhaps inflicting cruelty upon dumb animals floats your boat, what next funky, badger baiting?

  4. i think youre probably the dumb animal here mate. :wink:

    this may be suitable for the larger garden..it has a grenade launcher..

    View attachment 12549
    #84 funkyrimpler, Mar 13, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  5. yeah and you're macho fuckwit :wink:
  6. Perhaps we should change the subject to grey squirrel ... these are certainly vermin and can be exterminated in any way you see fit.

    Cats - my only problem is that mine (British blue) does not go after the local squirrel.
  7. Hellcat let me know free time. I will eat my fav spicy curry and pop in to your neighbours garden.

    If that does not help I have my airgun. Usually popping one I not cat gets them scared but they come back after few days as to stupid to remember. However if you repeat above process each time it goes to your garden for about two months they learn ....
  8. My parents British Blue went after a squirrel and ended up being bitten on the tail/bum.The wound turned septic and they had to take it to the vets for treatment.
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  9. The poo is being returned.. However it's still unpleasant picking it up and as the cat has the squits all the time :(
    View attachment 12553
    This little cat came in my house and would not leave for a few days .. She was nice just wandered in and out.
    She just sat on my sofa if I sat down on my lap.
    Eventually worked out where she came from.
    I liked her.
    View attachment 12554
    This is what I object too...
    I used to have pet cockatiels they are very smart birds .. And very affectionate.
    So to find next doors cat with this :(
    It was me who had to go down the road to find the birds owner ..

    I don't hate cats ..
    I just think if you own something as a pet you should be responsible for it.
    Or it's a bit of a cop out ..
    It's amazing how many people do not train their cats to use a litter tray :( or don't want one in the house :(
  10. Only one reason for getting bitten on bum... Running away!
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  11. oi!!..

    less of the 'wit'..
  12. That explains it-he had been seen to mind:biggrin:
  13. if you have a pet with the potential to cause damage or harm, whether it be moggy, dog, reptile, arachnid, exotic insect of some sort, then it is the owners responsibility for said damage or harm..
    a python is a killer...if you had one that escaped and ate next doors' rabbit, the owner is culpable..the same goes for a dangerous dog, bird of prey, or any other pet..yet for some inexplicable reason, the domestic moggy and its owners take no, and seemingly have no legal responsibility..this is absurd, and is probably a quirk of history, or possibily because a small cat has less potential to maul or cause injury..the owner of a similarly sized, or smaller dog will still face the same responsibilities as the owner of a Rotty....rightly.

    Its partially this disparity and unfairness that i think rancours so many non cat owners...they simply get a free pass on all matters...the counter argument made by cat owners is usually either: dog mess, or behaviour...barking and aggression, knowing that their is a legal framework, and ultimately the destruction of the dog (who is probably a victim of an abusive owner)...but like the nut case who was abused as a child, this does not excuse bad behaviour...a like a dog, they are 'retrained' or put away...

    if cat owners had to take the same legal responsibility as others of all other pets then there would probably be a lot less befoulment of private property, and infinitely less death of (particularly) native birds...numbers are desperately low as it is..

    Irresponsible owners were quite rightly made to clean up their dogs mess and face fines, or as weve seen in the funny vid, a member of the public giving them a taste of their own medicine.

    When the Aussies introduced cat curfews, the numbers of deaths of native animals went down dramatically.they introduced it in regions of Australia out of desperation because the destruction was immense, and in only a few years...

    if a cat owner knew that the cat could be rounded up as a stray (as with dogs) and potentially put down, it would make them think twice. Furthermore, if cats and dogs all had to be legally chipped to identify the owner, then there is a path to recourse. A badly behaved dog can usually be trained, and are usually poorly behaved due to incorrect treatment, or neglect by the owner..a dangerous dog often has an emotional issue, rather like a school bully.

    Sadly, a domestic cat seems to have neither the intelligence or motivation for training..i doubt that a cat owner would ever even punish a cat for damage to property of pooing on the floor, (im not talking about beatings here before anyone chimes in with more badger baiting type BS)...

    If killing birds, frogs, squirrels or whatever is intrinsic in the species, and if that species cannot be adequately domesticated or trained then one must conclude, that despite how cute and cuddly it may be, then it is not suitable as a pet in a domestic environment.

    Species introduced to Britain (grey squirrel, various water fowl etc etc) have often caused damage or upset to the balance of native species, but far less than the cat i would argue...most of the damage by imported species is caused by disease and so on...it is not the animals fault, but steps are taken to contain them problem..usually through culling or other means..

    It is because im an animal lover that i despise the nature of domestic cats, pretty as though some people think they are. To any cretins who would like to state the contrary, i am personally opposed to hunting or the killing of animals for sport or 'fun'..i think its unethical and stomach churning...i am also disgusted by the notion of dog fighting and similar vile pursuits, bear baiting, badger baiting, hair coursing et al....i even have a few thoughts about fishing, but that will lead us even more off topic...

    IMHO any person who seeks to, or gain pleasure from these pursuits is a scumbag.
    #94 funkyrimpler, Mar 13, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  15. Guide Cats for the blind?
  16. [
    #97 motojohn, Mar 13, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
  17. 2708644-3240092_com_3192526_man_eating_popcorn_while_watching_movie.jpg

    • Like Like x 2
  18. hope your sharing the popcorn, this is getting better and better
  19. Sure thing - have a seat. I think I'm gonna order pizza as well :biggrin:
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