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censoring of posts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by popelli, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. DB, I've removed the swearing from your original post. It was rather over the top. :upyeah:
  2. Bloody Nora!!!! Stop messing with my posts ya cheeky ******* :)
  3. :tongue: In all seriousness, what normally happens is I edit the problem out of the post, which is usually abuse, but not always. This is either in the form of removing some text or the extreme is removing the post itself. I will also remove/edit posts that refer to the one Ive removed/edited, which usually take the form of quotes. I then email the members, tell them what Ive done and ask them nicely not to do it again. So far, I've only had to ban one user and that was for spamming.

    Bullshizzle is my new favourite word, so for that I thank you :smile:
  4. I think there is an argument for both sides of this censoring.

    I have been on some forums where something gets totally out of hand and personal insults are thrown back and forth including threatening violence. This sort of thing should be censored as it is not what any of us want, well I don't think it is !!

    When banter gets a bit heated then you cannot remove posts when there are differing viewpoints, we all have different opinions so we are never going to agree with each other about every subject, these kind of things do not need censoring.

    I had a post removed quite recently and was informed about it by PM. As it happens I am kind of pleased that it was removed, not because I did not mean what I said at the time but it could have maybe gotten me into trouble. I agreed with this decision but if it had been just simple banter or a difference of opinion then it would have been another matter.
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  5. what happened in the instance of this thread, was it deleted for a good reason, or was there some genuine confusion on either parties side? Popelli stated he did not seem to know or why. Aids clarification vs conspiracy!
  6. Sometimes the problems with forums we don't know the person who is posting, we don't know there personality, likes, dislikes everyone is different. We choose our friends based on our personality so sometimes things don't work out. If he wants to leave because he was offended think of the person he offended. Always two sides to a story. Me personally I like this forum as I can be whom i want to be rich, poor etc I'm a biker and if you cannot accept me don't read my post.
  7. Ducati org used to be like a swearing retards convention.
    You could almost make bets on how many posts it would take before the thread descended into personal insults, threats and general nastiness....Just about all threads went this way.

    Kind of entertaining, but not very bikey.

    If peps want to get sweary and nasty then do it by pm, meet up and have a pillow fight...IMHO [​IMG]
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  8. Was ot removed or merged or just cant find it?
  9. ive asked for clarification, if poss.
  10. I mod on another forum and love the attitude on here, far enough but not to far.

    There is no free internet, this forum is somebody's toy and run under their (collective?) rule. Their sandpit, their say so.

    My 2p's anyway
  11. I agree or not with all postings.
  12. I can honestly say that I havent done anything to Popelli's post and I'm still waiting for more information regarding the post/thread in question. I will try always try to email any members when I have edited something, I know that Bradders, there was one thread severel month ago where I forgot to tell you I merged your post, but now I make a point of contacting members.
    As Ive mentioned before, I dont step in very often, mosting its the moving and merging of threads, which I face my fair share of slack for :smile:
  13. Maybe I did it :wink:
  14. but you didn't :wink:
  15. But who will ever know :smile:
  16. You certainly do :)
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  17. In fairness Matt you have a thankless task for which Im sure not being rewarded for and doing out of the goodness of your heart. Early on in the forums life members where asked if that would assist in the monitoring. I for one could not do with the hassle and didnt step up to the plate. How many did??????????

    I am here to talk bikes, chew the fat and have escapism from everyday life. In the process I have met some great people and increased my knowledge base.
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  18. I have to agree with Troy. The job of a moderator is not something I could do ( lack of computer know how in my case ), and it seems to be a job un rewarded in any obvious way, other than folks saying thanks, which is what I want to do now. I don't know what Popelli's post was about, and hope he doesn't leave the forum, as everyone on here should be able to put their thoughts out there for others to discuss. We can all make mistakes, or have auto correct make them for us, in what we put down, and it would be a shame to lose any member over something like this.
    Once again, a big Thank You, to both Rob and Matt, for all they do for this forum, it has been a source of much humour, loads of useful tips, and unfortunately some sadness for me personally, but I love it here, and long may it continue!
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  19. You're welcome :smile:
  20. If /when I step down, I fully expect you to take the mantle :wink:
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