Originally Posted by Archer17 Once again, a big Thank You, to Rob, El Toro and Matt, for all they do for this forum, it has been a source of much humour, loads of useful tips, and unfortunately some sadness for me personally, but I love it here, and long may it continue! You're welcome What's today's useful tip then ET?
Also we all know that WHITE WINE splashed onto a red wine stain will clean it up quickly. Similarly, fat splashes on clothes can be easily removed by rubbing salad onto the affected area.
Moving very slightly back on topic, I am my own censor, if I don't like a place, forum or whatever, I decide not to go/be/contribute (although my contribution of sooty show characters merits rebuke!, or medical treatment......) I am on a watch forum, where even the general discussion of captain pugwashes key assistant merits rebuke, and that is fine. It has a specific sub-area for stronger - shall we say-forum contributions and general 'bear pit' type behaviour. The important thing is you know what's there and how it will misbehave,but only there. Sincerely hope Popelli finds somewhere over the fence where the grass is the shade of green he likes, or enjoys himself here, if his misunderstanding is cleared up-there is space for all.
there is freedom of speech and freedom from hate speech..two different things.. like most people i dont like censorship, but i also dont like bullying and childish threats put on forums..im not referring to anyone on here, but rather another bike forum i used to frequent when i had the MV..so no prizes for guessing which site..it was one huge clique of elitist pr1cks and bullies...during my time ther ei went on ride out, which only confirmed my assertions...knob heads to a man...then i started getting threats from a keyboard hero who then got his boyfriends involved...giving it, that he was an ex marine who worked for some rich arab and this and that...w@nker... it was all very childish..the good news was though that i managed to get a loan of a rear shock from one of the friendlier members, who then became a turncoat and didnt respond to my emails when i suggested that he should collect it, or it will be put up for sale...I made about £120 out of it on ebay, thanks to that piss ant. FWIW, i think the moderation on this site is by and large excellent..certainly a lot less interfering that ducatisti was...we have a few strong personalities on here who express their thoughts without really concerning themselves about censorship, because we know that by and large Matt has a light touch when it comes to moderation.. The freedom of our banter and the fact that we have enough latitude to get into it sometimes are some of the main reasons i enjoy the site plus ive made some great connections with a few of you that i hope will develop in the 'real' world... If one thinks the censorship is unjust then i think it should be addressed to the mods first and foremost, before expressing any anger publicly..Lets face it, this forum isnt for kids...and compared to the facile abuse thats trotted out on the likes of youtube, most of our threads read like debate synopsis' from the oxford union.
Ah, the inverse rule of distance bravado. The further you are from the recipient, the bigger your balls get. It's fun to watch it unravel when you bump into them by accident at a meet.
I am thinking of leaving too and will want all my posts deleting. El toro said my other half was a big heifer and I am going to cry..... Seriously, I find it rather pathetic. Matts always been spot on for me and I appreciate his efforts. can I type "thread closed" please mattybaby?
On some US sites I'd go on on back in my Poker days, you couldn't mention ebay, it would be changed to "auction site" and references to a dealer would have to carry a disclaimer stating that you had no association with said dealer. Any mods posted had to carry a "carry out at own risk, no liability accepted by OP" and on and on it went.... We got it good....:smile:
Absolutely right. There was a guy on another forum. He really was a prize prick, and used to wind EVERYONE up with utter bullshit and nonsense. If anyone disagreed with him and his pov then they were immediately a cnut to him. He was (and most probably still is) the most idiotic, childish, uncouth and generally stupid person I have ever come across. How he managed to dress himself in the morning astounded me. He didn't like it when I or others (including the mods) pointed out these foibles and he would just become more abusive threatening allsorts of "retribution". However at a number of meets that he attended he generally kept his head down and kept away from those that he'd threatened via the keyboard. He was a cock. :smile:
I'm sorry timberwolf.........I apologise for what I said. i didn't realise it was you that was the heiffer :wink: