1\4 of the UK has no religious beliefs, 7% wouldn't say, but I was surprised that 1 in 20 are Muslim and 60% say they are Christian. I believe that that they regularly say No to war and Israel ...well don't get me started there.
do you mean the fundamentalist Christians like Bush and Blair, I have not drawn any comparisons,,,, don't need to.
if we say no to continued oppression of Palestine why does our government continue to side with US support of Israeli war on the people of Palestine
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Sadly not enough of us are interested in politics. I've voted at every opportunity in my life and not once did my team win! What more can I do? In my local I tried to get everyone to vote, out of the 30 or so I spoke to I didn't manage to convince one of them (apathtic public) to vote and the polling station is less than 5 mins away. They cannot see the link between voting and what is wrong in the world or our country. Views like "it won't make any difference anyway" or "they are all the same, just after something for themselves". Part of me was glad as its a cross between a Chelsea pub and UKips press office.
The muslims who should be welcomed with open arms are the Ex-muslims. Those who still adhere to the vile, murderous dogmas of the Koran are all extremists - there is no such thing as "moderate Islam". If any good at all could come from the appalling crimes committed in Paris today, it would be if some of those hitherto in denial about Islam were now in denial no longer.
That you'd come in with a brilliant argument and multiple solutions to solve this situation armed with just a sharp wit and a typewriter.
Solving the problem of Islam will take decades, lots of money and lots of lives. A good start would be to recognise the nature of the problem and resolve to do something about it. Apart from abject surrender, that is.
Er, really Pete?! ...no such thing as "moderate Islam"? Islam has a long and much valued tradition of tolerance: in the middle ages, whilst our mob were rampaging across Europe and the Middle East 'converting' people to Christianity at the point of a very bloody sword, many threatened communities of Jews (from Spain for example) fled to Turkey and were welcomed by the Ottoman Empire, which was at the time a much more enlightened society than our own. I can't believe you would lump entire communities of ordinary, decent people in with these vicious lunatics who have their own, very narrow agenda? Somebody stole your login?
Have you ever looked at any part of the Koran? It is filled from end to end with verses obliging muslims to kill non-muslims, kill apostates, etc. The "ordinary decent people" you refer to are people who believe that every word of it comes directly from god, must be obeyed, and cannot be changed or questioned. If they don't believe that, then they are not muslims. Every last one of them is an "extremist" by modern, civilised standards. So you are saying that if you go back 600 years, you can find a time when the christian world was even more vicious and murderous than the muslim world. True enough, but that has nothing whatever to do with the Islamic problem the world faces in 2014.
I've worked and socialsed with many muslims around the world. All my muslim friends are moderate; I often have a beer with one or two (does the odd a catholic not use contraceptives...) We can't say they are all bad just because it might be easier to do so...
I have always been opposed to fascists, nazis, murderous tyrants, and delusional lunatics ... and I hope I always will be. In the modern world, the worst of these are the muslims. Try taking your head out of the sand.