Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. I am amazed and somewhat saddened that any intelligent person could fall for that woolly left-wing line
  2. who else could we call right wing.
  3. All the Muslims I have ever known or spoken to have been men. Just sayin'.
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  4. It is quite amusing the way you have entirely failed to notice that the horrors being perpetrated on families in Iraq and Syria are being perpetrated by muslims. To read your post, anyone might be misled into thinking it was US and UK which were doing this ...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. it's a mans world dude, just ask james brown,
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. funnily enough i worked in qatar and never met a native woman
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. James Brown's dead, dude. Let him go.
  8. Except that it's not a left-wing line, it's a right-wing line.
  9. outside of the box mate,,, who is the main supporter of the countrys / states who are funding and arming the so called ISIS and with whose weapons...?
  10. james brown's deed? no wonder the worlds in the state it is.
    where the voice of reason when you need him.
    i suspect he no longer visits due to the amount of agro there has been on here in the last two months. to which i have contributed, i sincerely apologize.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Since you ask, it's Saudi Arabia. So what's your point?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. going for a bath then i fancy a pish up, whos in?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. well as you might think mate,, but your ( I assume considered " intelligent " ) approach and attitude is just drawing us into an ever increasingly dangerous cul de sac. ,, a danger of our own making.
  14. my point ?,,, who supports SA ????!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. i was at a market and got randomly interviewed by someone from the national paper, they asked what i thought of their country and how it compared to what i was used to in the "west" i was honest and said ive not seen all of it but where i am staying (in the workers quarter) is like nothing ive ever seen and not in a good way.. they then asked what i thought of the market and i told em it had a lovely array of tea towels.. i did make the paper with a lil pic of me (tattoos an all) but couldnt read it so i dont know what i said....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. well ive not drunk for 10 days now but im thinking a bottle or red will be a just in
  17. me to cool. got one or two or three bottles left. fancy some tunes, there is some james brown over in the music forum that will do for me.
  18. You have done it again - read the previous posts before commenting please, he was saying the opposite :)
  19. we have a music forum?
  20. No silly...
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