Maybe because the Palestinians in Gaza were saluting this dreadful attack by firing their weapons in the streets?
Those you mention may be ex-muslims or they may be apostates; and good luck to them. But whatever they are, they are certainly not muslims as defined in the muslim world.
Have you ever read the Old Testament? I'm not saying that at all - just illustrating that massive over-simplification of such complex issues does nobody any favours.
The ones that don't drink beer, pray 5 times a day and are good people; so very very much muslim, but refrain from acts of terror; as most of them do...
I've never read the Bible (at least not all of it), never picked up the Torah, Vedas or Koran. I have read Dennis Wheatley's the left hand path. So I have more knowledge of Satanism than the more popular religions. I still find it hard to believe that the people who made my delicious curry tonight (Lahori, Feltham) are all a bunch of murdering psychos.
Oh the irony. You appear to be sat in the sand-pit throwing it in every direction. "Nasty Muslims are all so rotten and beastly! Make them go away! Except the ones who are not being nasty. But they're not really Muslims are they? That would be too complicated."
What nonsense, One can be Christian and not go to church, one can be jewish and not attend synagogue, and one can be Muslim without going to a mosque.
I see so many Muslims on the news telling me that violence is not part of their religion, just after some Muslim has murdered people, that I am not sure if I believe it any more. I am a Brit living in rural France I can tell you that these Muslim scum who carried out this cowardly attack will not change much for the French people, they will just pull together against people like this.
Is that true?...I mean this really is an ecclesiastical question? You can have a belief (system), but would others use the label if you didn't conform to the stereo type? As I've already said not really my area, apart from the semantics.
I think what happened in Paris is absolutely disgusting, but to say all Muslims are either extremists or not real Muslims is daft. The Koran , like the bible has been rewritten and translated many many times (i would imagine with personal agendas often playing a part) and contrary to what some seem unable to understand a lot of practicing Muslims (not ex Muslims) do not believe or practice everything that is written. Just like a lot of Christians do not practice every thing written in the bible but still have an unbreakable belief in god and the good lord jesus... I live in Southall and am surrounded by Muslims, but i dont live in fear.. Im more worried about the drunks in my area that seem to want to glass or stab someone for Saturday night entertainment. Yes there is a huge population world wide of fucked up Muslims and a small percentage just fucked up enough to commit these atrocities but there are psychopaths in every sector of society.. There are millions of Muslims in this country but how many actual acts of terrorism/fatalities have occurred... I know that even one act ever is one to many but if you think how many acts of violent crime and murder are committed each year by drunken people (look up the stats) it makes me wonder... 9/11 in new york 2996 killed. some 15000,00 US citizens kill each other on US soil yearly with guns. To me it seems some governments like to whip up a frenzy, because they need war to keep troops and millions of people in associated trades employed and to take your eye off how fucked up things are at home...
One can be born into say a Christian family, parents baptise you etc,but you choose not to go to church. You are a Christian,fact. And no less of a Christian who one who does go to church on a regular basis. I'm sure some terrible criminals go to a temple of their faith on a regular basis, but that doesn't make them a true or good Christian,Jew,Hindu, Muslim etc.
Just suppose they weren't IS, Al Q or Muslims...................... It looked like they were military types...........if you have ever fired an AK47, it is like aiming at a barn door at 40 metres, and missing...... of these guys got a group of 20 rounds within 250mm radius............ ...and notice how one covered the other..............classic CQB....
You are being incredibly selective @Pete1950 , I could state that the bible says we can feed the 5000 with loaves and fishes. I could say that the bible preaches about passing through the eye of a needle. The majority of those that practise Islam as a religion want to live in peace. They want to have religious freedom . The Koran if you want to study it preaches peace tolerance and equality if however you wish to choose quotes to justify you're argument go ahead. The Islamic/Muslim religion is one of the youngest, go back in time they were happy to live and let live until the Christian crusades when the Christian minority decided that any one practising the Islamic religion were heretics. Therefore they needed to be stopped. We can appease those executing non believers, or we can understand that they do not represent the majority. This is about misogynistic secular men frightened by the education of women and children, who are attempting to gain power. I do not disagree with previous posters, what we need to be conscious of is division , whereby we allow reactionary action to minimise what has occurred whereby we allow insight to be lost to make a point. We can and should stand proud of tolerance insight and freedom without division , together to say no more. Divide and conquer is how all ills and evils have been allowed to prosper.
have to disagree, religion is (or should be) a choice. My step son's mum is Pakistani (her family is Muslim , shes not) and his father was a practicing Christian. By your rational he is half Muslim half Christian? No, hes half pakistani half english and couldnt give a fuck about any ones version of god!!