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Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. mmmm,,so there !!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. With you on this. :upyeah:
    One objectionable self promoter who despises those with contrary views, attacks others for their poor use of language, or their views. However if he makes a mistake its not his fault. Keyboard commando.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. I don't think it was me who said that you provided support for murderous bastards. Not intentionally anyway. Sorry if I did in a Merlot moment as I like to call it! :Kiss:
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  4. mate it's fine, dude your not on ignore, but i will try. your not allan cochran are you?
  5. On the contrary, I thrive on debate and banter and despise those who tamely agree with me. Sorry I've implied otherwise. And I'm not attacking anyone on their grammar. Just trying to uphold the standards of the site. Again, sorry if that hasn't come across. We all hold strong opinions and that's good. Think how boring and self-congratulatory the forum would be if we all agreed, all of the time.
  6. If you mean Allan Cochrane the comedian, no. But I think he's very good.
  7. This thread's gone off the rails so I've kept out of it. And that's set me thinking and the more I think of it the less comfortable I feel with the response to this event. Think about what actually happened. An armed rampage was committed by a group of disaffected youngsters who spent too much time on the internet. It wan't an act of war, it was a crime. There is no clash of civilisations taking place, but those who goaded these youngsters into acting would like us to think that there is and we are duly obliging them. These people aren't terrorists or holy warriors. They are not Jihadists. There is no such thing. Strike the word from the lexicon. It is an alien term and concept which has no place in our language or national discourse. They are criminals and should be treated as such yet we give these primitives a place in the agenda of international affairs, an honorary, albeit, vacant chair at the table of world politics from where they can influence events. That is precisely what they want. We are elevating stateless criminality to the level of politics and falling into the trap of re-examining our values in the light of these crimes. We don't do that with Mafia mobsters or drug barons. We hunt them down and bring them to justice or kill them. And if we do not like having in our society people who hate us we do not have to let them in. They are not in control. They do not hold the cards, we do. Why do we act as if it were the other way around?
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. No, He means Allan Cochrane of the Daily Telegraph and he owns a Triumph TR (so he can't be all that bad).
  9. hates the nats, so he must be a nob. :Hilarious::smile:.
    think i will change my avatar, so last year and maybe a bit confrontational
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Hmmmmm.

    At a national level I think you might be right but globally I am not so sure.

    The lack of democratic accountability in the Islamic world and our lack of meaning full trade with them, beyond swapping oil for cash and luxury good for the elites in the oil exporting countries, creates a huge divide between us and them. Our ideologies are fundamentally different and compete on a global scale in the same way that capitalism competed with communism. We were able to defeat communism by bankrupting it, we can only maintain our way of life by standing up for what we believe in and freedom of expression is central to that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Ah now, what is it Fin really dislikes about Cochrane. Is it that he is a unionist, that he writes for the Torygraph or that he owns a sassenach motorcycle. ;)
    I know he's also fat and bearded (Cochrane I mean, not Fin - I'm guessing) so maybe that's it.
    Actually Cochrane's corpulence can't be the issue because wee Eck is practically spherical.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  12. Uphold:Meh::Meh::Meh::Locktopic::Locktopic::Locktopic::Locktopic:....I fell off my chair laughing again:p:p:p:p
  13. Ok establish some....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. I meant Alan Cochrane at the Daily Telegraph who may or may not own a Triumph TR. The comedian is Alun Cochrane.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. i am reading alan cochranes "alex salmond my part in his down fall. alan seems to really rate himself, always talking about who he is gonna give a good kicking in his next column (very brave). but funnily enough he seems to rate my bird nicola.
  16. Nat sentiment ... Go, for the love of god go. We English softies should have been given a vote in the referendum. Scotland would have been jettisoned so quickly and powerfully it would have reached Greenland by now.
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