Cheap air compressor and spray gun

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by freshage, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. I fucking hope not!
  2. A 1.5mm tip is quite big and you will need to adjust the whole gun right down, but I think you probably realise that already!. You get a lot of overspray with any spraygun but HVLP guns are better for not doing it quite as much.

    Start with a small fan pattern and low pressure and a tiny amount of needle retraction.

    Make sure the gun working pressure is not too high, follow the directions on the gun instructions, anywhere between 40 to 60 psi is fine. They usually run at about 40 to 50 psi.

    Have fun it's a great tool to have and I cannot see how anyone can do without one.
  3. You're a legend mate.

    I've got the day off work to time to tinker I think!
  4. If I ever get chain lube on my rear tyre I clean it off with brake cleaner it seems to work fine, my local bike shop swear by the stuff. It might help get the acf50 off
  5. Well, I just played with the compressor, adjusted the gravity fed gun to my liking, minimal amounts of ACF 50 and the smallest spray cone. Pressure set to 80psi (suggested by allyearbiker for ACF 50 application).

    I went over the entire bike with the seats removed. Getting the mist to float into as many nooks and crannies as I could see.

    When I finished, I wiped down the bodywork with a microfiber cloth and then all the metal work. The bodywork came up a bloody treat, as did the metal work. I cleaned the bike on Sunday so it was still free from crap.

    I can't believe I've been applying ACF 50 via aerosol and pump bottles all these years... Via a compressor is just the clear and proper application. Makes the job easy and properly atomises the liquid to get into all areas. As I commute on the multi, I've been relying on my cack applications of ACF 50 prior. The clean on Sunday was to try and reapply the ACF 50 properly as 2 months ago when I did it, it wasn't as good as I would have liked. Now, I won't touch the bike again to spring as I'm simply so pleased with the result the compressor has given me. A lot of confidence my bike is now properly protected from the elements as I ride through harsh salt.

    Thanks everyone :)
    #25 freshage, Jan 21, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2014
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  6. I think I will have to get one.:upyeah:
  7. Indeed, look how shiney!



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