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Cheryl Cole showing us how its done..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. No you're not on your own. But one of the stipulations would be that she didn't talk to me. :smile:
  2. Wish I was a allowed....:wink:
  3. My thoughts exactly, i'd slip her a length but she wouln't be staying for breakfast...
  4. I wouldn't climb over her to get to any of you lot, unless of course you can match her bank account, but then again I was never confused, so here's my number Cheryl 01................. PM sent
  5. I honestly would not touch her, she does absolutely nothing for me. In fact f I walked down an alley and she was about to be gang raped I'd probably turn around and walk off. I hope her 'music career' flops, she goes bankrupt ands ends up selling herself on the streets to fund her crack habit.
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  6. I'd do the whole gang. Apart from the ginger one.
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  7. Take it you're not a fan then Matt?
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  8. Just a smidgeon harsh, don't you think?

    Unless you've already been married to her and she humiliated you and took all your money after breaking your heart.
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  9. Yes, on reflection a bit harsh. But I still mean it.
  10. Nope, she's a oxygen thief.
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  11. It is a funny realm we occupy were people like her sit on a panel judging other individuals talent...:rolleyes:
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  12. I believe she's good friends with Will-i-am who also co produce and collaborated on one of her singles, they make a good pair cause he can't sing either and has the brass neck to judge others on the voice
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  13. You stick to your principles Matt :eek:
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  14. And yet between them they're worth many millions of pounds. I can understand Cheryl Cole making money from her tits and ass, but I doubt Will-I-Am made his money the same way. Perhaps we should go back to the good old days of...Rene and Renata...Pinky and Perky...Dana...
  15. have a quick google of Will i am, you may not like his music but the guy works bloody hard for his money and gives a lot back to the community he grew up in...
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  16. Little known fact, and slightly off subject - Shania Twain always donates a percentage of the proceeds from her concerts to a local children's charity... There are some decent people in the music business.
  17. She'd get it as well:upyeah:
  18. Oy!Get in the queue..
  19. sorry but IMHO all these reality TV shows do is allow mediocre talent to thrive and make huge amounts of money while genuine 'acts' are out there doing the clubs and bars playing their own music and writing their own lyrics which is a massive ask of most people. These talent shows make life much harder for the comedians/entertainers and musicians that travel up and down the country at their own cost to play to an audience of a few while the blinged up attention seeking divas from the tesco checkout get huge PR teams and fat cats covering every angle to ensure they are 'packaged' correctly.
    The main worry for me is that the youngsters watching this crap and sucked in to the 'beautiful people' life style of expensive clothes, cars hotels etc don't want to be the next marie currie, scientist, police officer, surgeon, teacher....that is too much like hard work..and I am sure people may attack me for generalising but there is a large portion of people in this country that dont want to 'work hard' and 'earn' their bling...

    oh and Opportunity Knocks was generally competed for by the very people doing the hard slogs round clubs looking to get their big TV break and not just just some college drop out whose family rate him as the new Michael Bubble but in reality he sucks ....

    rant over
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  20. @ thespionkop - ABSOLUTELY, 100% correct ! There are people with genuine talent out there working hard to get the recognition that they deserve, or even just to make a living. And then there are the talentless idiots that think turning up at an X-Factor/BGT/Voice audition is going to make them into a superstar despite having no decerneble ability to sing. There are children in the world that think that "celebrity" is actually a job description and that reality TV will turn them into one. The thing that worries me most is that the whole glorified kareoke thing is now accepted as being the standard for music, and anything outside that is considered weird, unfashionable or unacceptable. To me all these X-Factor type shows are just the audio equivellent of eating at Macdonalds - junk for people with no taste ! Those with real tallent will, no doubt, continue to tread the path they always have - working hard in small venues, playing to audiences that appreciate their abilities. The problem is, as stated above, those artists and their audience are being increasingly marginalised by the great, bland, dull "reality TV" machine...
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