Really tempted by these now. Edit: Is there a non-eBay source that folks can recommend? Yah, I know, I don't do eBay. I know.
Looks good, except that my pivot pins had clips in grooves, not a nut on a thread to hold them in place. Also, my adjusters on the pushrods had tiny Allen grubscrews locking them. These were seized and the hex rounded out, so I was very relieved they needed no adjustment!
Got mine fitted this morning, fairly straightforward, the most difficult bit was trying to get the pushrod/nipple out of the oe levers, it is a VERY snug fit with almost no room to ease it past the lever ,I managed to get one out okay, but on the clutch side I had to resort to filing a small flat on the nipple so it would go past the lever. ..anyway job done and I'm happy with them.
I Ive not sold anything or even bought by auction, although I have put in a couple of optimistic bids. Buying fixed price items is a very simple process though, once you've got eBay and PayPal accounts setup.
I set up a PayPal account once, many years ago, because it was the only possible way to obtain something. Never again though, I trust PayPal about as much as I trust eBay. No reason, that's just how it is