Since he is already worth £3.5 million and owns seven houses, it's a bit late to say he'll "make it rich", surely?
You are right of course. But I'm sure there's a book and a film in this story...........for both sides of the fence.
she deserves a l nger sentence because she looks like a battered trout. He deserves a longer one for ever marrying her. Both a pair over educated simpletons. It is so funny to see them both get decent sentences. The ony pity it is for something so trivial as lying over a driving offence. It's time the holier than thou anti speeding legislators where hung drawn and quatered.
How long will they really be in prison before they both get moved to a open prison and how long will they serve. ?
Fair point - I wasn't aware of that. I was just thinking that he will surely find a way of turning it to his advantage somehow... though I guess there's no surprise in that really!