Christmas 2014

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. sorry, talking about spending money or watching porn? dude you are easily distracted.
  2. At my age, a distraction is a fart without the smell.
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  3. [​IMG]
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  4. I love Christmas...on Christmas Eve (when Ive finished work) and on Christmas Day, when I get a lie in. No doubt I'll have to moderate you drunk gits on here though, with Merry Christmas this and merry Christmas that :Grumpy:
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  5. Is there a rota for you mods? Time off for good moderating? Who gets to do news years eve?
    Do you have to pledge to be upstanding and sober? How's does El T figure in that one then?
    The pressures of power, you have my sympathy.
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  6. :Angelic::Finger: I have budgeted £300.00 for presents

    and about the same for booze
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  7. You could reduce the cost of Xmas by 50% if you just gave booze as presents.
  8. Hurrah........I have just completed my Xmas shopping :)

    And the real bonus is that I have managed to save £132 from the amount I spent last year :upyeah:
  9. mine has just gone up a hundred more than i spent last year. so that will be 100 all in for this year.
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  10. The only plus point is the 16 or so days off I get. Other than that Xmas can get tae f$*#. No such thing as Jesus. Religious poppycock. Superstitious nonsense.

    No fucker gets owt from me, apart from a card that she sends. Except for kids. I dont mind buying them pressies. In fact I quite like that bit. But adults can get down the shops and buy their own shite.

    SWMBO and I just buy something together for house etc. New Stressless recliners coming our way. Comfy potato.
  11. That's the spirit.
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  12. Christmas came early for me this year, my wife told me to buy my very first Ducati two weeks ago. I want a bigger garage for next Christmas as I can't get another bike in there. Perhaps I should put her bike outside.
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  13. crimbo has been ruined. was it like this when i was a nipper.
  14. Screen-Shot-2014-10-29-at-20.29.48.png
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  15. How many pairs of socks or toiletry kits does anyone need? I dont smell and have a satisfactory supply of socks as it is. I need no others. Hence I have an agreement with mates, family etc. Dont buy me owt and I wont buy you owt. I'd sooner spend the money saved buying their kids something. Although her nephew still hasnt forgiven me for buying their wee lad a set of kids drums.
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