I love Christmas...on Christmas Eve (when Ive finished work) and on Christmas Day, when I get a lie in. No doubt I'll have to moderate you drunk gits on here though, with Merry Christmas this and merry Christmas that :Grumpy:
Is there a rota for you mods? Time off for good moderating? Who gets to do news years eve? Do you have to pledge to be upstanding and sober? How's does El T figure in that one then? The pressures of power, you have my sympathy.
Hurrah........I have just completed my Xmas shopping And the real bonus is that I have managed to save £132 from the amount I spent last year
mine has just gone up a hundred more than i spent last year. so that will be 100 all in for this year.
The only plus point is the 16 or so days off I get. Other than that Xmas can get tae f$*#. No such thing as Jesus. Religious poppycock. Superstitious nonsense. No fucker gets owt from me, apart from a card that she sends. Except for kids. I dont mind buying them pressies. In fact I quite like that bit. But adults can get down the shops and buy their own shite. SWMBO and I just buy something together for house etc. New Stressless recliners coming our way. Comfy potato.
Christmas came early for me this year, my wife told me to buy my very first Ducati two weeks ago. I want a bigger garage for next Christmas as I can't get another bike in there. Perhaps I should put her bike outside.
How many pairs of socks or toiletry kits does anyone need? I dont smell and have a satisfactory supply of socks as it is. I need no others. Hence I have an agreement with mates, family etc. Dont buy me owt and I wont buy you owt. I'd sooner spend the money saved buying their kids something. Although her nephew still hasnt forgiven me for buying their wee lad a set of kids drums.