Incidentally Si, I'm sure you don't need advising to keep the two carb parts separate if you strip them, but whatever you do, don't adjust the float levels if the bike has been running OK and make a note of what the measurement is as well.
Iirc, my jet kit came with new stainless float bowl screws. My screws were seriously tight but only because of torque, they were not at all corroded in. I found it simplest to just drill the heads off and then they unscrewed very easily. An alternative is to clamp some grips on the sides of the head and use grips and screwdriver together to undo the screw.
The one that stripped the thread on mine was removed with grips.........whether it was corrosion or just welded in, I don't know.
No,you can leave them as a pair but slides floats and jets out,you would be suprised how much crap comes out of them.