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Closing Ceromony.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Birdie, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. I don't recall too many slagging off the ceremony, individual acts have been pilloried, but there weren't too many people attacked the whole ceremony. Or did I miss that?

    I have just heard some idiot on the BBC news explaining that the vehicles covered in newsprint was because London was where printing was invented??? News to me and Gutenberg I think!! More it's the global centre along with New York of print media.
    #101 Royum, Aug 13, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  2. Agreed with royum however that is not the worse. The worse is fact that instead of sharing the experience with the loved one's we were sharing it online, on a forum with people we know a bit :D
  3. Thank god they didn't wheel out the other old queen.
  4. Elton??
  5. We were sharing the comments online with the family who were all gathered around to great hilarity from our kids.
  6. Wow, what a harsh audience, you lot should apply as judges on X Factor! I thought it was pretty bloody good. Elbow, Muse, the Kaiser Chiefs, the Who, what more do you want? Even Jessie J looked fit, although I had to turn the sound down while she was on. And Baby Spice would still get it.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Pedaephile ??? :wink:
  8. Not me, switched off at 9.30 after wasting half an hour of my life:rolleyes:
  9. Tee hee. After a fortnight's truce where we were all so positive with the Games and about everything, only takes a closing ceremony for bah humbug to reassert itself.

    Really enjoyed it even if not as good as the opening one. Staging was fantastic - the sheer spectacle, colour and imagination, not to mention technical prowess. Are most of the acts on my iPod? No, but I guess if they were performing it's because they're broadly popular. Just not amongst this section of greying old farts.
  10. looked too me like a very gay hammed up austin powers party that gate crashed a scooter rally on the way to the wonka factory.........
  11. What would you have preferred, some turgid old monochrome thing like a Japanese company board meeting?
  12. err..............................yes
  13. We loved it one big massive party
    Yeahhhh :)
  14. Never got into the olympic spirit or watched any of it. Tell a lie, I did switch channels to see a woman jump off a bike and set off running, thought it was a programme about lycra bike thieves.
    To be honest, everyone seems to be happy which is good I suppose but it will take more than a bit of running and jumping about to make me proud of broken britain.
  15. Miserable Git !!! :wink:
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  16. So we start off the music with a strange black woman with blonde hair with a screechy voice who I have never heard of until the opening ceremony, and I couldn't make out what she was screeching about anyway.....

    Onto Day in the Life......a song about having spliffs........(or if not that, having a smoke.....which according to the Govt warnings is bad for your health.

    Then we move onto a couple of lads who (allegedly) messed around with hamsters in a pipe up their bums.....

    Keeping up with the theme, we then get a seedy drug riddled queen public bog visitor criminal......

    Along come Madness....brilliant.......but not really....couldn't hear Suggs properly and the act was dire....

    Jessie J........who the f is Jessie J? Awful.

    Freddie Mercury.......or a film of, at the Children In Need show from ages ago..........telling the audience 'F you' when the manage to follow his singing.....

    Eric Idle....telling audience "....life's a piece of sh*t......."

    A Pink Floyd number ruined.......I guess David Gilmour had more sense to keep away bearing in mind his son's escapades....and I hardly expected to see Roger Waters there anyway.

    Kaiser Chiefs and Pinball Wizard.....a good rendition, but I would have thought it was more suited to the Paralympics, or would that be in bad taste?

    David Bowie (sort of) and Fashion......to highlight a few ageing models.......What was wrong with Fame or Heroes?

    Spice Girls.......WTF is a ziz-a-zig? 'Kin desperate, prancing about on the roofs of taxis....

    Half an Oasis......with some drunken tw*t that thinks he is the reincarnation of John Lennon.

    Russel Brand (or Mo Farah in 'white') singing "I am the Walrus"......Has none of the organisers listed to the words properly? Another drug riddled pr*t.

    Queen (or half a Queen)......and Jessie J again......Ugh! Brian May....bl**dy awful guitar playing (never anywhere near Clapton, Beck, etc etc) and what was wrong with We Are The Champions?

    The Who.....Well, thank F Roger Daltrey can still sing.......although he b*ggered up My Generation a bit.

    But really, what a way to portray the UK.......I mean, where was Pete Docherty???

    Notice who stayed away.....The Stones, Robbie Williams, Elton and many more.......Had more sense I reckon......

    But I bet McCartney was p*ssed off not being able to give us another rendition of Give Peace a Chance or Hey Jude.....(TFFT).

  17. One thing this country does better than any other is music, we export far more than any other country. You might not like them all but we've got this nailed.

    Yes not as good as the opening ceremony but look at Brazil, did you recognise any global superstars they had performing? I'm sure we won't be watching their opening/closing ceremonies end-to-end.
  18. Half the acts were miming as far as I could see, even Matt Belamy(Muse) wasn't moving his hands to what was coming out of the speakers, plus the cameraman was careful not to close up on his solo. Russell Brands voice sounded the same without the megaphone at the end of the song.
  19. Freak Brazil was also very original with salsa, carnival and Pele. I think we can guess how opening ceremony will look like there a big carnival.
  20. I suspect that the megaphone was a prop dummy.

    I also suspect that a lot of the stuff was playback. Would you trust Russell Brand to sing in tune in front of 80'000 people and countless millions at home? I doubt he'd trust himself.

    Just the logistics of amps, mikes and mix would be a nightmare for so many acts in such a short space of time.

    Still, it was all good theatre.
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