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Closing Ceromony.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Birdie, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Slipknot for rio !!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Love these sorts of discussion!

    Fig is right: when you're putting on a spectacle for a few million people, you go with the masses - you don't try to do art. The inspiration for this sort of thing is surely West End musicals which are massively popular. But do you really want to go and see "We Will Rock You"?

    As for some of the bands cited:

    Mötley Crüe? Hair metal?
    Kiss defining modern rock music? My God. Kiss defined teeny wannerbe metal for 11 year old American white kids. If you were ever into it, you should be over it by now.
    Rush are Canadian.

    But there have been some great American bands. The Doors undoubtedly, but also The Velvet Underground, ZZ Top, Talking Heads, Blondie not to mention the whole pantheon of Soul, Funk and Blues.

    I can imagine ZZ Top being welcome in a US version of the closing ceremony, and Blondie probably, but the rest is probably not the cup of tea of Mr. Average at home.
  3. Figaro do not think so, in olden day's TV was not broadcasting that much music. So it was almost impossible to catch something on TV. If they did play stuff it was politically correct stuff (hence crap). Radio was the same with exceptions of those few stations that were purely for music. As there was not to many of them they had much more music to play than time in day. They had to choose good or people would tune out. Currently music is everywhere and entire situation has reversed. More air time then good music they can play so TV/radio stations have a choice of repeating same "hit" over and over or play any random crap. Random crap is cheaper .....

    I do not know there is much more then 80k fans of Slipknot and with minimum 4y advertising I bet that stadium would have no empty seats like it did now :D
  4. KISS might have been what you describe however they were the one's that created all the acting, costumes and personas on stage. That is what I meant when I said they defined modern rock. All the personas, AcDc look, Alice cooper vampire thing, Ozzy and Black Sabath feel. They all did it as it became cool and part of rock concert it was more then just a band on stage it was a show. I always believed that rock music was fazed out by big label companies as it became to expensive for them. Average rock band costs more to upkeep then Spice Girls. Reason was simple part of rock feel is rebelling and rebelling can cost money (rolls in pool, hole in a floor of one hotel room to another). One more thing who is Mr Average, currently world population has been again for a generation now. That would suggest current Mr Average is from 1970 - 1980.
    #144 Lucazade, Aug 13, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  5. Your eyes are sharper than mine if you saw empty seats.

    I thought you were brought up in Poland, Lukas, what's all this about the lack of music in the "olden days" - whenever they were?

    You're not entirely wrong. There are good rockumentaries now. But there was the Old Grey Whistle Test then (even if I wasn't allowed to stay up to watch it mostly).
  6. Has it finished yet?

    Or is this thread part of the London 2012 Olympic legacy? :wink:
  7. The Crazy World of Arthur Brown and Alice Cooper where doing pantomime years before kiss. Sabbath too.

    Rock music became unprofitable (relatively speaking) when kids started downloading pirated music over the net, or giving all their money to Apple (iTunes), video games and mobile phone bills. The cost of staging has no impact. Big stadium acts, with big expensive shows still earn piles of money. Just ask the Rolling Stones.
  8. You're gonna have to trust me on this Lucasz, there was a whole heap of shite music in the seventies/eighties in Britain. And while there's more access to music now, there aren't any more people buying it. To get a number one in the hit parade (get me...) you had to sell bloody millions of records, nowadays 10,000 will do the job.
  9. No mention of Chester Burnett..............

  10. You deviant...
  11. Who?????
  12. It is a fact TV even 20y ago was more constrained and worried about being nice to everyone. It was 1990's where it started being fragmented to cater for everyone of all age. Also at that time grownups had last word over teens so if they did not want teen music TV obliged. We had all that just delayed hence I kind off went through it just in later years then UK (thank you USSR).


    Well there are always some that done something before but did they manage to make it popular is the question. Lancia introduced plenty of innovations in their cars but they never lasted till that is someone else picked it up, rebranded and made slightly better (more reliable :) ). Regarding kids downloading stuff. You sound a bit like record label here. The way they calculate their losses is a joke. Piracy is not as much of a problem as we are made to believe. First of all download is better for record label no need for cost of media carrier, transport or even shop. Sadly it took them 10y to realise. Piracy was also not a problem until they realised they can make money in court on that. Downloading did not kill rock cost wise it probably killed off album sale as a hole as people only get one tune they like. Good for popular mish mash, bad for musicians that tell a story via album where every song means something.
  13. And there is an even bigger heap of shite music in the 90s and 2000s......largely because there is a plethora of talentless 'musicians' getting on the bandwagon so to speak........The Sex Pistols were cleverer than the current lot.

    Rock Music started to fade when the A&R people from the record companies took less notice of the better musicians and were guided by, bless him, John Peel.

    #153 Ghost Rider, Aug 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2012
  14. No.

    Go on....who Googled him?
  15. Hi has anyone got the link for the closing ceremony post ??? Also I've never seen rain and my belts have just been done .......
  16. Where the hell is this thread heading..?
  17. Down the drain, following the music...
  18. I know, I fookin' hate that rock shite:wink:
  19. Lancia, Ferrari and back on Ducati it is a bike forum after all. ;) AL there is more and more talentless people jumping on said wagon but it is all self propelling. There can only be so many people with talent so when music got more air time they had to fill in the blanks. After some time blanks were quite considerable force and cheaper to recruit and operate, as we know money talks and so it went. Glid regarding cost yes Rock bands are more expensive to run, many things for them were one time use only, including cars and buildings :D. Rock fans of said era were more unruly then current fans of all together. Labels were not smart enough to have full control over merchandise so did not get as much money, same regarding licensing. All that translated to lower pure profit due to, in comparison high costs.
  20. I went to bed...Where there fireworks?
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