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Cold War 2

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. I think you'll find it's my biscuit.:mad:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. What about if your biscuits are garibaldi's , that sounds Russian to me , maybe you don't own em ?
  3. A fine world it is when a fellow can't enjoy some confection.
  4. Highly unlikely we're getting it directly from the Ruskies, seeing as it has to pass under a few countries to get to us.

  5. The flies, the flies...
  6. Once we get a Mcdonalds in Svestapol it will be sorted (so to speak)

  7. You mean there isn't one already?
  8. So what to do about the Russians?
    Answer: nothing.

    Some interesting stuff on the news.
    If you were wondering why the EU is being limp-wristed about sanctions, it's simple.
    Apparently the EU exports for €120 bn to Russia, but imports a bit over €200 bn of which 77% is oil and gas. This cannot be replaced by any other means (because most of it is gas). The stuff the EU exports is mainly consumer goods.
    We need them more than they need us.

    A military solution is impracticable and thus unthinkable.

    Crimea became part of the Ukraine in 1954, I believe, which wasn't that long ago. So unsurprisingly, many (or most) Russians would like to see it become part of Russia again. Indeed, most of the Crimeans would probably prefer it to become part of Russia even if the referendum was ludicrously biased. If it had been a fair vote with no intimidation and everyone participating, the result would probably have been the same, just with a more realistic percentage.

    So there you have it. The world is toothless against Russian expansion, and the people it most affects probably are getting the outcome they desire in any case. This doesn't make Putin "right", just that he has made the right moves in geopolitics. He's just doing what people in power always do: a bit of international muscle-flexing when you can't, or don't feel inclined to, fix problems at home.
  9. Good Answer Glidd ( as usual) , in all these "games" politicians or dictators play there is always some poor sod who gets shafted by the aggressor then shafted again by the world sighing then rolling back over to sleep it off.
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  10. i was watching a program last night about the onset of ww2 and couldn't help but notice the similarity in circumstances in Ukraine. Hitler negotiated returning lost territory divided out after the first world war then went marching on to reclaim part of Poland, the threats started from France, G.B. and America and rest is history, got a big parra head on and got me wondering what if.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. It is an interesting parallel, certainly, but there are some very big differences.
    Putin does not espouse some ridiculous and unpalatable ideology as Hitler did.
    The world is infinitely more global than it was in 1939.
    To be fair, most of Crimea probably want to be Russian in any case, and they only haven't been since the 50s.
    Russia is really quite feeble in many respects. Hard to beat at home, but probably no good away.

    Problem is, it's very hard to make things difficult for your energy supplier. Normally when they say "jump" you say "how high?".
  12. i am not to sure world war was his intention although with his policy on ethnic cleansing it would of been inevitable.
    on a side note i believe you had something to do with the whisky business, i had a taste of clan denny the other nite freeking rank by the way.
  13. Blitzkrieg was invented to make sure conflict is fast with minimum loses. Agreed Hitler did not want world war it just kind off rolled that way. ;P Glidd Putin has a bit off unpalatable ideology. All he says is he is pro Russian. Looks normal. Just that in Crimea what will happen to none Russians? Any other country where they want to go defend Russian citizens and interests, what about all other citizens. Minimum forced relocations.....
  14. Putin is also having kids trained in warfare................somewhat resembling Hitler Youth in my mind.

    Lebensraum was all about gaining more land / space for Germany...........again, very similar; however, Russia has always been attacked via the Western boundaries, which IM uneducated O, infers that Putin is purely attempting to regain and protect those borders.
  15. I can't believe that Russia needs more space. How big does Putin need it to be? It's massively underpopulated as it is.
    But he is keen on (a) permanent access to a warm water port and (b) as you surmise, buffer states between Russia and Europe (or as much land westwards as he can get). You do have to remember how many millions of Russians snuffed it in WW2. That has to leave some scars.
    Also Putin is old school. He probably doesn't want to accept that Russia is a very poor third best to America. But what he hasn't figured out (as so many others haven't either) is that America is successful because of its political system and entrepreneurial ethos. You're never going to get there with some strange sort of quasi dictatorship where you lock all other points of view up without due process.
    Until another Gorby comes along, Russia will continue much along the track it is already on, with mucho corruption, a tiny amount of stinking rich robbers and a huge amount of dirt poor peasants.
  16. and what about that Clan Denny
  17. Russians killed more russians prior to and during WW2. Russians greatest enemy has always been the Russian State. This is as true today as it was in the past.

    Russia would loose a conventional war big time. Their navy is rusting, their armour is 20yrs out of date. Its air force, with the odd exception, is outclassed. Only numbers are in its favour. American armour would roll right into Russia. There would be no repeat of Kursk. However the above is all hypothetical and would never happen in a million years.

    Putin is only interested in Putin. He wants to make some gesture to Russians to deflect from his autocratic management of its 'democracy'. Most of russia is a shithole. LIke Detroit but with even less charm. He could learn a lesson from Germany on how to rebuild after the collapse of communism. But along with his cronies theyre too busy buying gold yachts and wanking off than helping and rebuilding their nation. The people of russia have fallen for shite government time and time again. You'd have thought theyd have learnt by now. Sad. Great people led by even more moronic leaders than we are.
  18. cool, so i can sleep tonight then. excellent.
  19. Russia basically never had technological advantage in war. Yes their army is rusting away but number are numbers. If you send 10 soldiers against 1, one can have the most advance gun in the world he will still be outgunned. We all know that said 10 would have AK's so it would create loads of big bullets flying in differenc direction. Statistically they would hit shit.

    Russian people fall or stupid government, I would nto call it fall they want government like that as they all ahve this odd sense of pride. Russia as a country can be as shit as it gets, people can suffer and even revolt against their own government (they did loads of times) but if 3rd party joins in and says Russia sucks all Russian eye's turn on them.
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