What a crock of shit. By all means get people off the road who cannot see, or don't have the strength the control a car. Blanket ban? Highly unlikely
Yes, lets restrict old folks to their homes so they can never go to the shops etc or see their pals. Anyway its never old folks that hassle me, sure they may be a tad slow etc, buts its the fucktards in beemers and audis up my jacksy and cutting me up and driving with rage and poor discipline that are the real concern. Oh and parents rushing their kids to school. The latter being my main beef. Arseholes the lot of them. I would also like people to USE THEIR FUCKING INDICATORS! Prior to turning. Not once theyve got there.
there should be more random stops by police on motorists, i don't have a problem with being stopped, as long the officer in question isn't being a knob. dont know what like it is over your way, but the amount of people i knew in the past driving around out there face (young people) would scare you. but there must also be a hefty amount of older dudes driving around that arnt competent ether due to medication or other. i guess as our roads get busier the risks increase.
The human element is the biggest problem but the roads are still relatively safe, particularly if we take responsibility for our own safety and don't rely upon others doing the right thing.
it is very well to say take responsibility for your own safety and as bike riders we all know this too well,, but sometimes things happen which are outwith our control,,, eg,, last week an elderly gent just outside of Feaserburgh ( N E Scotland ) drove straight out at a t junct into the path of another car, killing his 22 yr old passenger son,,,taking this as an example what are we, as bike riders or car drivers supposed to do, slow down everytime we approach a potential incident, every junction or cross roads , every on coming vehicle,,, I think not, that is not at all practicle , we have to proceed with some confidence that other road users know the rules and are capable of maintaining them,,, and if they are not, due to dementure, self imposed obesity, over loading on prescribed drugs etc then surely it is only sensible to remove them from the road.
LOL, wind up merchants out fishing. As usual I find myself falling on side with the usual suspects. So as 1984 has clearly passed its about time we started to instigate some of the policies. I would never be in favor of any policy that gave the state any more powers than it already has for random arresting of cictizens (as in stopping) without suspicion or reasonable cause, because it bloody bad enough as it is, we have lain down and meekly given the state waaaaay too much power already. Have any of those in favor thought what would happen when "mission creep" sets in? Terrorist laws used to freeze Iceland's bank assets here, safety cameras use for parking fines to mention but 2 of many. Holy sweet chocolate Jesus
yes finm, mission creep, it is all around us, more so every day,, maybe I am being a bit selective in my lack of freedom cases / causes, but self preservation has to be balanced with our freedoms .
you might like to start with American foreign policy I just hope that we can get rid of Holly Loch before they start the war with Russia
1000 civilians killed in Iraq since beginning of September,,,,, what about Syrians, etc etc,, the yanks don't care about other people when it comes to world domination,, a few thousand scots wont worry them
yip, but cant see how getting rid of W.O.M.D from scotland will help that situation. but i am right up for removing them from Scottish waters. unless we get appropriate compo and our first minister gets one of the keys.
it will not stop the American aggression towards Russia, but at least we might not be classed as collateral damage !! what sort of compensation do you consider as appropriate for a nuclear strike ???
seriously tho if there is a nuclear strike that comes from anywhere other than a terrorist organization. it will be tata. for most. having them in loch long or holly loch(unfortunate name for a bomb base) wont make much difference. but like i said lets get them gone from eer.
tbh all the oldies i know that are on meds etc simply dont drive at all,its often too much effort and often they simply cannot afford it,so i think there appears to be some misinformation being passed around. picking on a age group simply doesnt work either,theirs good and bad in all and all driver ages should be checked as should all driver types,especially foriegn truck drivers etc. in fact i would suggest that this is a new ploy to distract one from noting other far more urgent problems else where,something our peers seem rather good at. AS for the police,,,there simply arn't any real police about nowadays,its all cameras and speed traps/vans.all basically tax collection schemes and "press oportunities" for their individual section fuehrers. the ones you do see are all basically treated with contempt by all and sundry,even me and my same agers and we were brought up to respect them,unfortunately a large proportion have just become goverment bully boys and most ive met openly scorn everyone around them and immediately class them as potential crooks.ironic as quite a few of them are indeed crooks themselves. my caring local village bobbie,that i grew up with, is long time dead and wont be ever be coming back thats for sure. the amount of daily crime in my area is at such a level and has been for so long,that its accepted as daily life now,as is the complete absence of plod on the streets or indeed in their cars. we have helicopters here now and the odd nob flying by in a jamsandwich,every evening,buzzing around endlessly,chasing 15yrs olds on motorbikes riding in the parks etc,while on the ground the burglars,muggers and far worse ,bike theives etc go about their business unhindered . its almost as if they are being encouraged to do so by the very instituition, we pay for/employ,designed to prevent this. so "targeting" is meaningless in reality,the current police force is simply ,unfit for purpose, in anything but "targeting" for the purpose of making news and selling papers. the roads question is simple in description. theres simply too many doing too much in too tiny a space,all at the same time. so,mLord,in my final statement and showing complete unbiasedness(?),i suggest euthanasia for all ginger people between the ages of 20 and 40 one year and then in another ten years the same again but to people with freckles. thatll sort it,,and therell be more parking spaces in town. result.