Fin, any strike anywhere in the UK, even as southerly as possible will still fek up Scotland. Radioactivilty knows no borders. Chernobyl reached scotland. I agree that we should rid ourselves of these weapons. I sway from unilateralism to not depending on the shite going on in the world. With Putin in charge we need them. He is a very dangerous man. So currently I want to keep them.
yes grego, I agree entirely,, but to be fair the article has grown its own identity now,, originally it was not aimed at the aged but any section be it aged , medicated , medically/ physically / mentally impaired grouping . of course the news issue will keep some people from thinking too much about what is happening in our society or what is being set up in Syria just now
@bootsam no shit.:smile: @gregotch cool, i should be ok then, being blond with fair unblemished skin. what about people that say aehuup. or alwight geeza, or get orf moi laand. wouldn't the road or world even, be a better place?
Putin dangerous ??????? if you push anyone into a corner sooner or later they will become " dangerous "....... lets not confuse defencive with dangerous,, the ones who really threaten world peace are the americans , but if you don't realise that by now then I doubt that I am going to sway you...
i have got a money talks head on these days. i don't doubt most Americans like the rest of us want an easy life.
So now you defend Putin. I dont disagree with your America being a threat to the world but its also what keeps the peace to a certain degree, but to defend a dictator who annex's a country, sponsors a rebellion and has dirty hands shooting down a passenger plane is just beyond the pale. America also pulled our arses out of the mire on two grand occassions. You sir are a numpty.
mmm,, do you really have to compound your obvious ignorance of current and historical issues with arrogance and insult,, if you are considering WW2 as one of your grand occasions then I can only assume you watch too many John Wayne movies...
Ive not insulted you other than jovially calling you a numpty. If your sensitivity to this mild slight causes you discomfort I suggest you stop talking out your arsehole.
is that it. ffs. got me dark chocolate digestives in and awething. coffee in hand. TTonup boots just called you a nupty. boots ttonup just calld you a bang heed or heedbanger. lets do this.
hold on, I am still trying to find out what that last one was,,, I hope he is not blowing me a kiss !!
Home time now Finnie me old mucker. Then shopping...sigh...I never thought numpty could be so cutting. I try to remain amiable at all times but numpty has caught me out. TT must be a girly to get upset at numpty. Surely.
Lol thats just so Scottish. Two jocks slagging each other off, another arrives and stirs and the two slaggers turn on the other one and we all fight amongst ourselves. We should be slagging the english feckers.