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Commissioner should be sacked

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Sep 29, 2013.

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  1. If they have Heroin prescribed on the NHS it'll not only save the Gov money, but the quality will also be controlled. I don't give a fuck if some waster wants to get off their head, but I do care if the break into peoples homes etc to fund it! A bag of Heroin(0.1g)cost a tenner on the street, it costs the dealer something like £2 for the same quantity, not forgetting how much he'll cut it. Your average smackhead will have a habit demanding a few bags a day. If HMG supplied it, it would cost them pennies. Would you rather spend a few quid a day funding this, or be a victim of crime and pay for it in your house/car insurance anyway?
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  2. How will it cost less? More will get hooked, more will seek NHS help, more will demand assistance and therefore costs will go up. Us taxpayers will foot the bill. We are not in the 1800's where we cannot understand the impact of such actions, we know the dangers and have to take appropriate action
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  3. I could name you at least 40yrs x 650mp's of morons whose word or opinion you'd take and set against your one. I could also name a few more coppers for you too.

    But frankly I can see that prohibition isnt working. Its costing us millions. So lets try legalising it for a while and make millions instead.

    Politicians are short termist and completely self interested. If you cant see that then youve just been done round the outside by your own naivety. They cant be relied upon for fuck all. Not even the ones I vote for.
  4. I fear that there are close to 40,000 addicts on incapacity benefit (and a larger number of alcoholics), and I assume that most of those will also get housing benefit and free prescriptions. They'll also be given NI credits meaning that they will "earn" just as much state pension as those who work (if they live long enough, which some do)!

    If it's heroin that is the addict's habit, then the current system simply dishes out free Methadone, which as I understand it is still addictive but not as well-liked by the consumer. Whether it costs much less than heroin I have no idea, but as it's a relatively trivial process to manufacture pure heroin from raw opium, and it is certainly not subject to patent, I can't believe it would cost a lot more to issue the real stuff, in the same controlled way as it's done in some other European countries. Whatever the policeman has said, I think it would make sense to take a closer look at what works well, or badly, in other countries; like many things, we certainly can't say we have the ideal system here in the UK (after all, lots of our addicts acquire their habit when in prison for other offences!).
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  5. Most of them dislike the free Meth so much they sell it to buy the real stuff! As for how much it would cost, we're already paying for the crime it causes each and every day. I'm not for one minute suggesting HMG dish out smack to anyone that fancies it, but it could be regulated. Nobody said it would be easy!
  6. So do you really think tax burden will decrease and crime will fall?
  7. Lots of folks have said this before (Drugs zar oh they sacked him for giving his expert opinion) and I definitely don't have a problem with what he said.Makes a change as normaly the cops talk out there arse especialy at the top but this guy seem pretty clued up.

    Stupid not to legalize cannabis,ecstasy and speed or other amphetamines.More UK business for growing.You would have to apply for license and send samples for testing with cannabis and the like.No fucked up shit then or dangerous products in powders.Cops could concentrate all there drugs squads to catching nonses and leave over 18 to get on with there lives whatever there poison.

    As for herion and crack yep legalize them as well and if adults get addicted then fuck em.Its there problem but to keep everyone happy you can open some clinics like US.

    After many yrs experience working in clubs and bars I can tell you first hand alcohol causes all the violence and sometimes coke as they think they are Tony Montana.Ive never had problems with people stoned on weed or loved up on ecstasy.

    Give em ten pints and a knife and they will try and cut your fucking head off.
    #28 matt#corse, Sep 29, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2013
  8. Surely the answer is reduce alcohol not legalise drugs? But this isn't about whether they should or shouldn't be legal. Its about a leading policeman making views and statements which confuse and of against the laws of the land. Anther thread would be 'should we legalise drugs'
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  9. Would it be OK if a Chief Constable said that he thought speed limits should be higher, or abolished; or that people carrying out child genital mutilation should be punished; or that forcing women to wear face masks should be an offence? Are Chief Constables not allowed to express opinions on controversial topics?
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  10. The more folks like this make comments hopefuly those that make the laws may pay more attention to the subject.

    On the other hand class A drugs have serious long term effects so NHS could have a big problem in the future if legal .But Im guessing here that the millions no billions in tax could help pay for this.On the other hand by making drugs illegal more people search out legal highs or just buy illegal highs from gun totting gangsters instead.More money for criminals instead of tax system.

    These so called legal highs are more of a problem than good old drugs as they are a unknown quantity and many fatalities already.My mates lad got into that m cat when it was legal and ended up seeing a shrink and still taking medication a he went doo lally tap for a while.

    Another reason is we in the UK are starting to look the odd one out.Several states in the US are now relaxing laws on certain drugs.In EU many countires are allowing personal possession such as Spain.Holland,Portugal Czech republic etc etc.I don't see everyone all of a sudden going bat shit in these places and giving up work for a life of drugs and benefits either.

    Anyway peace out and im off to smoke some G13 or silver haze.
    #31 matt#corse, Sep 29, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2013
  11. It will never happen because politicians havent got the bollocks anyway.

    The key to drugs is not prohibition. Its education, poverty, desperation etc. If we look after our children and take responsibility for them and ensure that they are well cared for and educated we can at least begin to reduce social depravity. The hoorahs addicted to coke is one thing but the poor and desperately ill educated that have gotten addicted to H is another.

    Invest in our children. Free nurseries, free education, free school dinners, make parents responsible for their children. Give our kids a better chance than they have now. Catch the kids that fall through the net and fucking help them ffs. Dont just shove em in a home full of other cranky kids.

    We also need to look after our old folks and treat and respect them more. Weve lost the extended family. Now all we care about are ourselves and fuck everyone else. Our society has become selfish and uncaring and the pursuit of profit and 100" TV's.

    I am the result of parents who did fuck all. It took me till I was 28 to get to uni. I wasted my childhood in childrens homes, courts and police stations. Because my parents couldnt give a fuck and created a ferral child coz they was too busy getting pissed.

    It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see whats fucking wrong but everyone just turns a blind eye. Well its time to open our eyes and do something before our country turns into downtown LA.

    People care more about their things than they do their families and children. If I hadnt already seen it all i'd be depressed. I'm just waiting for the rest of you to catch up.

    Oddly enough it took LSD to make me stop and realise other people had feelings and to install a conscience in me. Things that my parents should have done. It changed me and I went to Uni. Now Ive a C.Eng(hons) in mech eng. The same moron many would have written off. There are thousands of kids like me out there. We could fix this now if we wanted to.
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  12. The war on drugs was lost a long time ago.

    The issues are purity and supply of product and links with antisocial and criminal behaviour.
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  13. Quite possibly.
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  14. Bootsman I feel I have a lot in common with you.I was in the care system from the age of 10 until I was 17.

    Saved me from a life in jail as I was extremely violent and got into the wrong crowd and ended up fighting a lot with weapons like knives etc etc.Luckily one of the staff a champion boxer took me under his wing and taught me self control and respect for others.My parents didn't realy seem to give a shit either and had basically given up on me.Ended up going to college and uni of my own back without endless cash from parents like the many at uni.

    I agree eduction and support is the key but cant see this improving with all the cuts.Arresting people and giving them criminal records for possession does nothing to help what so ever.The drug laws are a complete fucking joke if you ask me.

    Smoking cannabis never did me any harm and taking e's didn't only seemed to make people more loved up instead of pissed up and looking for a fight.
    #35 matt#corse, Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
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  15. Yes Matt. We do. I was never violent. Just stupid. I'd break into empty houses or factories. Steal cars. etc. But I did used to return the cars. I never broke into anyones house or stole from or mugged people. I just used to shoplift a lot and steal stupid things. Why o why does a kid steal buses. Ive had blues brothers moments with several cop cars chasing the 164 bus i'd knicked. I stole the aerial from a police station for the cb radio i had stolen previously. Ive stolen police cars or panda as they were then. I very nearly nicked a train.

    I was dumped out of the home at 17 and onto the streets to fend for myself. It was only my wits that saved me and an intelligence i never knew I had. It was an old fashioned copper that helped me. Fed up, cold and desperate after 18mnths living on the streets, I broke into a school, kicked in teh alarm as it failed to go off. Typical. Waited to get arrested. It was snowy and I was cold and hungry and would be unlikely to last the winter. He recognised my desperation, maybe he saw a bit of himself, i dunno. He took me to the station, fed me, let me wash and along with the magistrate got me into a hostel. I was 17ish but looked 13.

    From then on I struggled (this was thatchers britain btw) but managed to keep my head above water. Found rented accommodation with a nice family and did the menial crap job for a long while. Mainly labouring and scaffolding. Then the next recession hit and I was laid off. Thus I ended up doing my A levels as the labour backed council allowed me to do this whilst signing on. I found getting work difficult coz i had a record longer than your arm. I passed and went to uni. I paid for my own degree with student loans as grants had been phased out the yr before. Ive paid back all my loans and pay a good amount of taxes. It was education that did this. Education and the help of a kind policeman, a progressive labour council and an intelligence it took acid for me to realise I had. Plus a good lady who understood me and helped me. She is now my wife and although we met just as i came to the conclusion i had to do something with my life and went to uni, i couldnt have done it without her. We've been together now for 24yrs. Married for 14. I cant see me spending the rest of my life with anyone else.

    When I look back on it, there are thing I am deeply ashamed off. But my brain wasnt working properly. I was still a child. I never started shaving till I was 33 ffs. But I did have some good times and Ive a cast iron adaptability and an insight many people do not have. I do not begrudge their lack of insight. Its an insight no child should have to learn.

    For some reason I am still an optimistic and generally happy type. Ive had a confused and some may say interesting life. My life today is boring by comparison and I am happy with that. I own my own home and 2 ducati's. A great wife and a grumpy ginger tosser cat.

    I only occasionally smoke a wee bit of puff and thats it. I smoke it responsibly
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  16. Nope
  17. Listening to a debate this morning while driving and a thought occurred to me. Police can't control drugs, can't catch criminals responsible, won't/don't have the resources they feel needed. What better way to make it not their fault than to remove it entirely. Result. Falling crime statistics so guys like this get their bonuses, pay rewards whatever and retire with their nice big pension.

    Meanwhile inner city ghettos continue to be run ragged, old and young alike fear to go outside and drugs become as normal as a can of lager. Tax take increases, admin burden increases, pressure on NHS increases, overall net tax burden increases for the normal joe. But guess at least s/he can go get stoned and forget their troubles
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  18. utter bollocks.

    FINALLY a 'super cop' who talks a bit of sense and because he doesnt tow the safe, conservative (not the party) line of tried and failed, tried and failed policy of the so car 'war on drugs' you want him out of job?? Brilliant.
    Ring up the builders merchants for a ton of sand...then you can pop out and stick your head in it.:wink:
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  19. #40 matt#corse, Sep 30, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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