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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Which end is the front?
  2. Between the two turrets...:wink:
  3. Whats the running costs on the boxster like? Been trying to convice mrs if she changes to onthat way, may 07 vintage, she only gets aboyt 22mpg in her Peugeot and it costs £350 to nsure and £300 to tax...reckon she could run a Boxi for that...
  4. Mine was a bastard!
    You need to check which tax group your potential purchase falls into, when our lovely government did that re categorising thing a few years ago some were retrospective!

    My last one was a 2008 3.4 and cost £400 ish to tax, same for insurance, 25ish mpg.
    IIRC the earlier 3.2S made the best sense to buy for power/tax.

    Servicing was best done at a good indie, like Northway in Theale/Reading.

    Great cars/great fun, I've had 5. A mate of mine a has just bought an early 2.5, cheap as chips now...:cool:
  5. Yep thats why she pays so much for tax, think it may be 315 or something ironically a hundred notes more than my 3.3t van
  6. My wife has a splendid run of hairdresser cars....

    '98 Saab 93 convetible - quick but handles like a sinking boat
    '01 Mercedes 230 SLK - Great engine, body turned to dust
    '97 Porsche Boxster - needs a lot of looking after, but it looks good and goes round corners soooo well!

    My favourite is the Porsche, the roof is always down if its dry, not that fast but sounds awesome :upyeah:
  7. My mate's wife actually IS a hairdresser, and she drive's a Mazda MX3... Which isn't actually a convertible... Although to be fair, the only other hairdresser I know has a Saab convertible - which she bought to replace a Renault Megane Convertible... Which was itself a replacement for a WRX Imprezza that she wrapped round a tree quite comprehensively... All of which proves very little I suppose :)
  8. Nice pic of Broadway Tower!
  9. At least my wife is (albeit not often these days) a hairdresser :upyeah:

  10. Nope...:smile:
  11. I owned a triumph spitfire left hand drive black early 80's

    Wheel fell of that to

    Best not give me any scissors
  12. Unless you have a sister....
  13. I really think this whole convertibles are gay thing is so tired.

    I think one of the key defining things for me is if the car is actually a sports car or not.

    No one would ever call an Ariel Atom or Caterham R500 driver gay out of anything other than jealousy. I've had many convertibles over the years and have chosen very carefully, sometimes deciding not to have to open top version in some cases (Porsche 911 turbo, for instance).

    I currently have a z4 and this last week in Cornwall has been amazing - I'm on holiday, I don't have my bike here and its been a nice steady 22-25c. Who wouldn't want to keep getting a tan when driving around?

    People who call convertible drivers gay are either envious, never had one or unable to embrace their inner feminine side. Grow up, men where pink flowery shirts, deal with it.
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  14. Old ones...

    Here's a couple of pics of my first convertible - taken in Scotland in 1985...

    Spitfire 7.jpg

    Spitfire 8.jpg
  15. Bet they were scary to drive in the snow! No traction control there!!
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  16. Didn't need traction control, or ABS or anything else in my day... Sorry, am I starting to sound like an old fart now ? But seriously, I never really had a problem with driving it in snow. Which was just as well becuase we had quite a lot of it...
  17. Those were the days when being a good driver was a skill, not like today when the car compensates for bad driving. My mum and dad wanted the Triumph Stag but my dad says they couldn't have one because there was nowhere to put me and my sister so they had to buy the four door 2500 PI instead. Ha!:biggrin:
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  18. I used to own a crx v tec convertible thing......lots of fun and in the really hot weather the air con directed at your feet and your head boiling felt really weird.one thing though I wouldn drive with roof off without eye protection, I was hit in the eye once by a stone threw up by a passing lorry. ps im a pubic hair stylist for female supermodels.
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  19. There is nothing wrong with a convertible sportscar, but come on the convertible Saab 93 should be outlawed. That's not a hairdressers, that's an accountants car :wink:
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  20. This thread has cursed my beloved Boxster... Current sat in Porsche Wilmslow after deciding to lower its windows during the storm the other night, ECU knackered after being flooded with water so I'm hoping they'll cover it under warranty.
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