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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Oh no!

    If you want my advice about Porsche Wilmslow...... take your own lube....they like to go in dry! :eek:
  2. Took a test drive last week in a XKR convertible. Very very nice. So there`s three things on my to do list, never had a convertible or a V8 or a Jag ! Just got to find the right one now, oh and tell the wife :eek:
  3. I heard he likes it dry. No doubt he will be donning his leather jeans and Blue Stratos as we speak.
  4. Sex panther!
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  5. made from bits of real panther
  6. And artificial sex?
  7. This is now going into a whole different area, and YES i Know there will be exceptions but.....

    Tuesday evening 24 degrees sun shining, 2.5 mile push bike journey from rail station to home. Counted 7 convertibles with their tops up, (women drivers) three more with their tops down. (bloke drivers)

    Three things come from this

    1. The good weather obviously drags out the convertibles, for the majority not to utilised correctly
    2. there is a gender issue with operating the roof mechanisim
    3. I need to get my sorry sad arse into therapy!
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  8. @ BIG M - those were the days of proper front suspension and steering, no power steering, and rear-wheel drive... so you didn't actually need all that electronic rubbish to sort out the poor handling of power-steering on a front wheel drive car...
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  9. But not all front wheel drive cars handle badly, mkv Golf GTI is great car, I have had rear drive BMW's for over 20 years and currently drive a 2005 325i E91 touring but I always try and grab the keys to my wife's Audi A3 2.0 tdi. It's a much nicer car to drive, there I've said it!
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  10. A mate of mine has an MX5 with a sticker on the back that says "No Hairdressing products left in this vehicle overnight" !
    Always makes me smile :upyeah:
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  11. Quite right Carlos... I had a Mk1 GTI, and damn good it was too - didn't have power steering though, did they ? In general, modern cars are nearly all front-wheel-drive - for a variety of reasons, one of which is that they naturally understeer, which is deemed a lot safer with the average motorist at the wheel than is oversteer. And most modern cars have big, wide tyres, which requires power steering - which nearly always kills any "feel". The ittle Triumph was classic layout - front engine, rear drive, direct steering... and was damn good fun. I replaced that with a Volvo P1800 - that was really a GT, not a sportscar, but good fun in its own way and it would destroy huge distances in one go... But that's a different story...
  12. Cars are front wheel drive so they are cheaper to manufacture.
  13. NZD - not entirely true... But it is cheaper to produce a range of cars with the same engine and transmission. That was one of the "variety of reasons" I mentioned...
  14. I have an R500 and I don't think I'm gay.

    Most blokes, especially bikers, give you a thumbs up in the Caterham but I borrowed a mates Gallardo Spider last year and you wouldn't believe the amount of abuse! That said, I did feel a bit of a t1t driving it!
  15. I bet the Caterhams fun :tongue:, but that's a full on sports car so it should be :biggrin:
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  16. Have to say, I see no correlation between driving a soft-top with the top either up or down, and a person's sexual orientation. Nor could I care.

    Some cars are a bit girly, though, whether convertible or not. Minis and New Beetles seem to fit in this category. Having said that, I don't feel threatened or challenged been seen driving anything much. (Not the same as wanting to own something.)
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  17. Its incredible when fully rung out; far quicker than a bike across country but then its easy to be a bit more committed in a car. Its fully caged with an aero screen so its about as practical as a bike

    That said, I've done more miles on two wheels than four this summer.
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  18. Missus came home with top up today, couldnt belive it, turns out the her skirt wasnt pulled accross so it wouldn't come down...her words not mine lol
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  19. Had a mate follow me in a caterham, he couldnt keep up, imho nothing beats a bike across country as a bike can use all the road for obs, a car cant, and the acceleration of a bike (excepting one or two cars) always makes up for the lack of braking ability
  20. im too tall for a caterham. I'm even a bit big for most tvrs, which may be a blessing thou :wink:
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