I'd love to work in the motorcycle industry. If there is one thing in the life I can enthuse about, its motorcycles. I fucking love them. All of them. Even the unfashionable and ridiculous have some merit. Anything on 2 wheels can be fun.
Seem to get spoken to as if the salesman is a kids tv presenter talking to 3 year old. With over friendly false innane drivel. Just like an over the top tgi waiter.
Whenever I buy a car or bike, new or second-hand, I already know exactly what I want before I walk in the dealer's door. The salesman is simply an obstacle to be overcome, between me and the desired outcome. Everything any salesman says, almost without exception, is just a waste of time. Those of you who are salesmen might bear that fact in mind.
When my other half has bought cars it has almost invariably been despite the salesman not because of it. The right vehicle with the right spec at the right end of the country at more or less the right price is what matters - as Pete 1950 put it, "the salesman is an obstacle to be overcome". One reason I like Snells (where I bought my monster and take it for servicing) is that the guys there really don't come across as salesmen (certainly don't live up to my stereotype of second hand vehicle salesmen).
That's all a part of the deception,they pretend to be your friend but really they're shit hot salesman!!!