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Crash In North Wales

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Horrible day for all involved
    RIP :(
  2. 2 guys killed in Northern Ireland on Saturday.
  3. Where does it say that then? These could be gixxer knobs or old fellas on Vincents, the article suggests nothing around age, bikes nor circumstance
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. It doesn't. That's why I put a couple of "??" after each comment :rolleyes:
  5. Driver has heart attack and careers across road into oncoming traffic??? Bike blows up chucking oil out and creating following riders to swerve or fall into oncoming car???
  6. RIP - thoughts with the families of everyone involved.
  7. I normally avoid riding in groups and the tendency to want to 'keep up' has long since passed............If I do ride in a group, I usually want to be tail end charlie and leave plenty of gap; if I ride point, some tw*t will want to blast past.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I tend to ride the opposite, and up front. That way I get unobstructed view, am less likely to be part of someone else's accident and can set my own pace. Luckily most of my mates ride at similar pace to me, but all know (as on Sat, few not ridden with before) they ride their own pace and there will always be someone waiting at a turnoff. Saves the must-keep-up thru fear of losing touch rather than bravado
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. My mates and I never race each other, neither will we undertake. There has to be rules when you ride together.
  10. Very sad news. RIP.
  11. Sad indeed RIP. Thoughts to all involved a difficult time.
  12. Sobering this stuff!
  13. There's only one rule to riding in a group - give each other space. Ain't that hard, surely?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Unfortunately it clearly is. Bad accident above J11M4several months ago cost the life of a rider knocked off by one of his own group. Even those who should know better still get it wrong with riders from TVAM killing themselves needlessly not so many years ago. I ride with a few close friends nowadays as we know each other's pace and we plan a ride out so we all know where we are going. Did a Goodwood breakfast run last year with strangers where the only 2 riders who knew where they were going disappeared into the distance at an excessive rate of knots and left a group of 15 riders totally at sea. Never went with them again. Thankfully I no longer feel the alpha male urge to be the fastest and enjoy a run out and like Cranker look forward to the track days. Andy
  15. wasn't us was it loll

    simple rule is always: keep an eye on the one behind and stop at turn offs. Then you can ride off as fast as you like, enjoy the ride at your pace (slow/medium/fast/ambulance) then enjoy the banter of the group at the other end

    and if someone in front is going slower than you want (or riding in a way you don't like), just overtake when safe

    too much you see bunches of riders who "must stay together" and imho this is where it creates issues. Sounds like, whatever the reason, this was the outcome here
  16. Of course they could have been going for it...
  17. Sad news, but really surprised this does not happen more often.
    I normally ride with an experienced group that are quick and safe. Last weekend coming over Hartside we had two lunatics that would pass us regardless of risk. Blind overtaking, running people out of position mid corner and shamefully, the Ducati rider nearly binning the bike by pushing beyond his limit. Honestly, some of the riding would have been out of order on a track day :(
  18. I used to ride out with a group, plenty of experience among the guys too. But sadly lacking in skill! One guy, Dangerous Brian as he became known, like to ride my brake light. He soon learnt the error of his ways when I disconnected the brake light.
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