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Crashing Dads SPS

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by satzoomer, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Blue riding gear, red bike, it was a bad look right from the start! :eek:
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  2. I bet he owns a GSXR 600..
  3. Why? It's his bike, surely he can have whatever stand setup he likes.

    My 916 has the flip-up stand but the Monster stand stays down and has no cut-out switch. In 35 years of biking I've had other bikes with the stay-down/no cut-out stand and I've never dropped a bike because of a stand or ridden off with the stand down.
  4. In 25 years of driving, I've never driven into the back of another vehicle. I think I'll disconnect my brakes.
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  5. I changed mine so its stayed down, as it was difficult to get my foot behind the stand and hold it there long enough to put the bike on it while i was sat on it.

    Alas on those models I think you could then ride off with the stand down
  6. Maybe we should ask Steve at MR if son survived? Bet he was adopted...... :)
  7. I'm so glad that wasn't me.
  8. Ok, so what did you do around the house, as a kid/callow youth, your parents still don't know about?( keep it clean)
  9. keep it clean, well that rules me out.
    from the age of eight i was probably out ibn the garage building a SS50.
  10. I took the hinges off the shed, took my uncles motorbike out, razzed it around where ever I could then back before he got in from work. I was 14...
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  11. .,,I also took my TS50 out of same shed in same manner, which he bought for me and I was working off, and crashed it...I was 13....I have a few more like that...
  12. I used to borrow my mums C90 and razz around on that , aged 14 also. I filled it with a bit of fuel once and it was stolen from where mum worked the next day. When it was found and returned she commented on how it was nice of the thieves to put fuel in it.
  13. My brother decided to take advantage of his wealthy clients washing machine to freshen up his dust sheets whilst they were both out at work.
    All went well, found the washing powder, set the machine to run, but when the wash cycle finished he couldn't work out how to open the door ffs.

    She was not happy!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. I crashed my mum's brand new Renault Clio in 2001 when I was 14 years old. She left they keys in the house and went off for the weekend, so I got hold of some stella artois with my first pay cheque from a job washing pots in what used to be Mr T's cafe in Salisbury. Once I was plastered (4 cans) I decided I would go for a drive. I put the car in 2nd gear (didn't know where reverse was) and dropped the clutch at max revs. Knocked down next doors fence and washing line.
    When I pushed the car back out of the mess all the dented panels popped back in to place. (Thank you Renault, for making s***** cars.) I fixed the neighbour's fence and bought her some flowers. She promised not to tell my mum. My mum crashed the Renault a week later when she was hit by a post van so she never found out :)

    I took great pleasure telling her about it when I was 21.
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