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Crazy eBay people

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, May 6, 2013.

  1. Does that count for eBay buyers who haggle after the auction has ended?

    That happens pretty frequently with vehicle sales
  2. There were a lot a cases ending up in court when the house price gazumping went on......some people won their cases, others didn't.

    I don't know the percentages of those that won and those that didn't, but a lot of people didn't take the case t court because of the risks and costs involved.

  3. Correct. There has to be "consideration" ie and agreement to exchange goods/services/monies to form the contract, but there does not have to be an actual exchange at the point the contract is agreed.

    Offer and acceptance stands.

    You are a bad man!

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  4. No you're not. You're a greedy man of no truth. Greedy greedy greedy. People like you boil my piss.

    Would you go a car boot sale, sell something but put it by till the buyer comes back round, then accept an offer for £30 more, then not let the first buyer take it when he returns?

    YOU probably would. No truth, honour or integrity there. Same issue. If you'd done that to me on ebay a case would have been opened...................you get what you deserve.
  5. I should stop digging now mate, the hole is deep enough. Nobody likes a welcher............
  6. I opened myself up for criticism with this thread and I would like to apologise for any anger caused with my comments.

    I would rather tell the truth and be open about the things I have done and learn from them than hide them and pretend they didn't happen.

    I feel there are many like minded people that attend the forum on a regular basis. And having met a few members, I know there is a wealth of experience to glean worthwhile advice from, so your advice will always be listened to and taken on board.

    I have seen the error of my ways, and believe me, I will not make this choice again.

    I really like posting here and would not want to become a disliked member of the community. In all of my selling dealings with members here I have not messed anyone about. I hope the few people who have bought things from me have been happy with the items, the price, the delivery and the communication.

    I hope this thread can eventually turn from a discussion of my personal failings and in to a thread discussing the perils (people like me) of buying and selling on eBay.
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  7. I fank-oo....

  8. Fair play to you for manning up and accepting you did something slightly wrong, I for one would not want to see this become a witch hunt with you as the witch. I think it's fair to say the consensus view has been given and I'm sure you've taken that on board.
    On the other hand I wouldn't necessarily want everything I do or have ever done examined in the cold light of total honesty (to that girl in New Zealand in 1982, I'm sorry, I wasn't really a Dolphin trainer out there to learn about their real lives and habitats. Thanks for the breakfast though. ) and it would be hypocritical of us all to go much further down this route.

    I'd suggest it would be better for this thread to be locked and a new one started to allow for a more in depth discussion of the perils of fleabay in general.
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  9. Balls, you are the seller, its up to you what you decided to do. Its a recession, if it means more money for you to spend on your kids, do what works for you.
    The chap did not want to spend the extra cash you wanted so you owe him nothing. Its a private sale so no laws apply. Good on yer.

    Get his number blocked, he will soon get bored.
    #31 srad34, May 7, 2013
    Last edited: May 7, 2013
  10. Jeez give the guy a break lol. He done wrong, but then if they hadn't payed a deposit like most people would to secure it then more fool them as technically its still for sale until money has been payed. Theyll get bored texting you, good tip is to use an old sim number not your current one.
  11. it doesnt tand
    no more than a shop offering goods for sale and deciding not to sell them at the till through incorrect pricing etc
    and you are a private customer and can set fire to it if you want lol
    its not worth arguing as you can decide to not sell if you want for your own reasons
    google citizen advice site

    funny how some start spouting contractural law for a non starter like this
    #33 Phill, May 7, 2013
    Last edited: May 7, 2013
  12. As for a shop advertising at wrong price.
    You should look up "invitation to treat"

    Everyday is a school day...So off to the bike shed for a fag...:biggrin:
  13. That's probably because my profession involves contract law rather a lot.

  14. your being totally anal
    I wondered how long it was before an expert or solicitor or barrister or whoever turned up haha

    are you sure your not a barrista
    make mine an americano lol

    #36 Phill, May 7, 2013
    Last edited: May 7, 2013
  15. Go on give the poor lad the bike for 300 quid, feel the love of doing a good turn....

    Your first mistake was PW50's on eBay are like hot cross buns on hot cross bun day!


    (someone let me down (my dad) on a bike sale when I was 6 years old, I've NEVER forgot the pain....35 years later)
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  16. sue sue sue
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  17. I note that I haven't insulted you..............If you call me a solicitor of barrister again, I'll smack you in the gob, OK? :wink:
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  18. lol x
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