....Or bore out the bearing housing and sleeve it to size? Wish i checked my rear wheel last week when i fitted new chain and sprockets.
It would be pretty deep to machine it straight again and then insert a sleeve (or oversize bearing) assuming it could be done perfectly so the bearing is central and parallel to the other.........Cost wise, who knows, but I reckon quite expensive....... .......anyway, what with the mess of the cush bush sockets I found when I replaced the bushes a while ago, they were prety bad and one even had a crack on the thin part which can be seen from the brake disc side.............. .......so it is scrapped........ AL
Many thanks to Gilps for sending me his unused rear wheel...........really grateful to him.......may need to change one bearing because the seal is a bit suspect, but what the hell, it means I have salvaged a full set of nearly new cush bushes and bearings from my iffy one. ...now I can inspect how bad mine was when comparing the bearing housings. Thanks again Gilps. AL