Jeez El T, that looks like it was really nasty, must have taken ages to heal. Glad mine is a much smaller scar and is hidden by my beard.
Bloody hell El T !!!! And you had what wrong ?? Makes us lesser mortals look really pathetic with our comparatively minor aches and pains
Told you it was a shark bite.........or was it when I was shot whilst serving in Afghanistan with the SAS :wink: Or it could have been a malignant tumour (Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans - yeah had to google it too when I was told) Ps - I may not have a beard to cover, but I do wear shirts :wink:
Just look for Tattoo's and Piercings. Nicky's put pics of her Tattoo's up. Haven't got any of her Piercings .... Yet! In the Lounge.