Dream machines did my 848s Corse before ducati did the 848 Corse. Personally I was really pleased with the work they did and the finish. They did use decals though (as do Ducati)...
Revolutioncustompaint are 15 mins from me and superb, repaired and repainted some bits for me and the quality of the work was excellent not just on my stuff but evryth8ng else in the workshop he had in. Dream machine quality is patchy at best ... too many horror stories for me to consider. You are missing rage designs from your list, paint half the BSB bikes and helmets as well as most of what comes out of JHP ... take a look at his twitter feed @ragedesigns11 Mick has painted pieces for me and many others here too ... my Martini 999R for one ..... Cheapest isn’t best is all I will say and you have carbon panels so choose wisely ....
Thats a damn fine looking 848 love the paint job. Thanks all, i'm going to get a couple of quotes, but Racepaint UK seem to be a favourite