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Cycling across a Zebra Crossing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phantomfighter, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Usual anti cyclist stuff. Let's face face it there are some people out there who are arseholes, some of whom ride bicycles, motorcycles and cars.
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  2. Sadly :frown:
  3. Well, would have preferred to be a mamil today - feckin traffic!

    31 mins by bike yesterday (including stopping at red lights, etc), 55 by car today. Need to sort the youngest on his bike tomorrow so I don't have to get the cage off the drive...
  4. I assume the silly Swedish resident is me, although Switzerland isn't anywhere near Sweden (you're a lot nearer) but hey, this isn't a geography lesson (might be a good moment to get Google Maps out, especially if you are planning an Alpine holiday).

    I can't see what your issue is. When you approach a zebra crossing, if there is a pedestrian waiting to cross you stop (at least, I do). If there is a cyclist pushing his bike also waiting to cross, I stop too. If there is a cyclist still on his bike who wants to pedal across, I don't stop, because the guy is still cycling (he's probably been cycling on the pavement too, but it's no concern of mine - I'm not the police). Seems to me that pedestrian crossings are for pedestrians, not cyclists.

    Now explain to me why this is stupid and nonsensical. For your info, a few years ago I cycled to work in Central London for 5 years and around and about at weekends and I'm not remotely anti-cycling. Quite the opposite.
  5. That's me that is
  6. I cycle

    I could have also quite happily decked one the other day - while walking the dog on a narrow pavement this guy was cycling towards me on said pavement (not a cycle path)

    I didn't get out of the way and he nudged me quite hard has he went past

    If he'd been on a motorbike I would have quite happily taken his reg and reported him
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  7. People can be arrogant arseholes whatever form of transport they use.

    Glid, not that I'd ever use a pedestrian crossing on a bike, but you might want to consider the cyclist in cycling shoes: it's impossible to walk safely in them and if you can't be sure that the person in their old Alfa is going to stop, the last thing you would want to do is walk.

    Relax. Life goes better with a positive outlook.

    J (off for a schmoke) :wink:
  8. You're right of course. 90% of 'em are on bicycles though...
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  9. It's surprising how far they can walk
    I have a lady who walks around sainsburys in hers
    You can hear her from afar :-D
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  10. Why doesn't she cycle around Sainsbury's? I mean, if it's difficult to walk in cycling shoes ...
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  11. sweden, switzerland. both the same really. they all keep other peoples children in their cellars for kicks ;)
    #31 Phill, Aug 8, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2013
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  12. That's Austria!
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  13. Im sure pedestrians should wait for a car to stop before crossing, anyways it does say......

    "Allow pedestrians plenty of time to cross and do not harass them by revving your engine or edging forward"

    Oh yer, right. Like Im going to sit there all quiet and not rev a Duke.
  14. I think it's only illegal on a Duc if the front wheel touches the crossing. You know what to do :wink:
  15. Trouble is Mr Boag old stick is that they are all Jonny Foreigner. They can’t help it poor chaps, it’s just evolution’s way of saying they are not quite top drawer. One has to understand that not being British they can’t help but run around starting wars, surrendering and generally not having a stiff upper lip.

    As for their keeping “other peoples children in their cellars for kicks”, well they just don’t have the British spirit in them, they can’t help themselves! Of course if any of those foreign fillies would like a bit more British in them I’d be happy to oblige (all in the interests of international peace of course)
  16. I have SPD's that are perfectly OK to walk in. It is the more racing oriented version that you hobble in.
  17. Tell us more, John! :upyeah:
  18. I am a bit gobsmacked at some of the narrow minded comments I have read here.

    Which group of the free society that we live in are you going to slag off next?

    Group hug, anyone?
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  19. She cycles around the building... Outside but she ain't allowed in
    She looks a bit odd walking around in her cycling shoes but it can't be to difficult as she walks one end to the other most days
    Click click click........ :)
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