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Dangerous Dogs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. I Wish they'd make you take a test to have a pet, make it as hard as the car test too then we wouldn't have so many stupid owners producing poorly trained problem pets.

    Had first hand experience of this this week. I cycle to work over a small wooded area with a pond in the middle, its popular with dog walkers.
    Tuesday I'm coming around the path and I hear dogs barking, there is a man with a staffie and a woman with a big Rottie, both dogs were off the lead and looked to be fighting.
    I get closer and the two owners are shouting at each other, the woman whacks the staffie on the body several times with her lead, the guy swearing at her whilst trying to catch his dog, she is just moaning that his dog attacked hers first yet not attempting to get hers under control as its trying to go back at for another go.

    I couldn't resist telling them what morons they were and that perhaps if they both had their animals on the leads it wouldn't have happened. I actually thought If I could report you both I would, but stupidity is not illegal yet mores the pity.
  2. I'm with you on this one. All dogs chipped. Licensed breeders only, who chip all dogs they breed. Chip has owner and breeders details. Any dog un- chipped is destroyed. All owners have to get a license, which also involves being vetted. Any animal found with an un- licensed owner is confiscated and rehoused.

    how this would be policed though is a different matter. The government, instead of trying to look at the problem as a whole(owners and breeds) will probably just take the easy route and ban the breed. That leaves the chavs to cross other breeds to get what they want, along with a booming illegal trade in the banned breeds.

    as a side don't even get me on what I'd do to people who participate in dog fighting!
  3. i would like to go back in time and ask all the owners of dogs who attacked or maimed a person or child, if they were capable of it, i bet they would all say no danger what so ever.......

    Dogs are pack animals genetically still tracking the plains hunting and living in a herecial society.

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  4. Walking around Oulton Broad one summer with the wife and kids and a black labrador on a lead, jumped up at me and sank his teeth into my shoulder. Rather have a Staffie anyday
  5. Many dog owners are like parents, My lovely little one wouldn't harm a fly etc and i always pick up his lovely shit and bag it ,,,,Yeh like fuck!
  6. But imagine what a staffie can reach v a lab lol

    Re horses sheep etc, as most of these see commercially used and controlled its easier as other legislation can carry the req laws and control (not sure about horses which are in field owned by general joe public). How many households own a horse v a dog? It would be the same ad trying to control cats, budgies of pigeons. Sure done will comply, those fearful of the law, but the ones you need and want to wont.

    Licensing breeding, chipping, ability to track etc is he only way to minimise risks IMHO but I still don't think it would avoid issues like the ones above. You'd have to bring it in over a 20 year period at least and have done beans of controlling the mutts just shagging up the park: compulsory neutering?
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  7. The problem with all this "Restrict it... Licence it... Ban it... Control it..." mentality is that it won't change things with these f*ck-wit owners of status dogs - the only people it will affect are law-abiding dog owners. Do you think the chave with the bull terrier on the end of a chain will take any notice of a new law when he doesn't take a blind bit of notice of the current ones? Lets face it there are laws about car insurnace, tax and MoT tests, but the scumbags ignore them... Are you saying that every dog that didn't come from a registered breeder is dangerous? Are you advocating the destruction of every dog that ends up in a rescue centre? That is the obvious conclusion of this line of thought... No more dogs bred on farms. No more dogs bred by loving, caring owners who just happen not to be a registered breder. Heaven forbid that anyone would want a dog from a rescue centre - "you don't know where it came from, so it must be dangerous..." Nonsense ! And yes, regulation and licencing IS Orwellian... The government has more than enough influence in what we do already, without trying to control our pets too...
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  8. We always pick our dogs shit up, unfortunately others don't on our local playing field. Thanks to the lazy inconsiderate dog owners we are now banned from using it!
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  9. I spent quite a bit of time there .
    I used to go into "Jimmys pets corner "
    He had the rats In pens .
    I was allowed to go in and sit in there sometimes.
    Used to freak people out a girl in a cage with domestic rats all over her :)

    Only dog that's ever turned on me was she 6 I ran past a black lab and it attacked me!!! Badly bitten leg.

    Sadly a lot of " Choc" labs are being bred with dreadful problems now.

  10. You get some really cruddy breeders as well.. Who do not disclose their " lines" have problems :(

    However I do get really really mad at these Chav idiots breeding litters with no thought or care.
    Roughing pups up to make them " tough"
    The other game now is if the police raid the iffy owners send the dogs to the door and as they come through shout their attack word ..
    This buys the blokes enough time to get rid of any stash .

    This is happening up by my work lots.

    I wish I knew an answer.
    But these kids flooding the place with poorly bred pups are a massive problem here.

    We have had a poor little old ladies dog
    ripped to shreds by a bunch of these morons.

    Our council shelter is full of Staffies.
    They get 7 days grace :

    More worrying is the latest trend
    Mastiff crosses or Dogues .
    Although Mastifs can be. Soft as ...
    They are powerful dogs and crossing them with guard breeds or highly strung breeds .
    Rottie x Mastiffs are a popular here at the mo
  11. Even bigger issue Puppy farms :(
    Who in their right mind buys a pup out of the boot of a car in a layby or carpark :(

    Makes me so mad
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  12. that's no dog that's a lion.

  13. It's a dog running... photograhed from a very low angle to make it look bigger and more fierce than it actually is... I've seen similar pictures of other breeds - it doesn't mean that they will do you any harm...
  14. They are big dogs and not ideal pets .
    There are breeders over here who have worked to get it more docile .
    But sometimes you have to outcross to the original stock ...
    The original stock is still quite a working dog !!
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  15. I found this ....

    Never leave a small child with a dog classed as "possibly dangerous breed type" alone together even for a second or this could happen :(
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  16. that looks messy:tongue:

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  17. The trouble is mosty people dont know how to keep a dog of this type and dont realise that there has to be a clear pack system in the family with the dog being at the bottom of the pile.

    we have 3 staffies and a Bull Mastiff and are partners in a Rehoming charity, i have been studying K9 behaviour and training and without doubt staffies are one of the friendliest loyal and trainable dogs but in the wrong hands they can be a lethal weapon especially if there not getting the right exersise and mental stimulation.

    A puppy will usually learn what its supposed to do as an adult from its parents however there taken too early and it becomes the job of the new owner to teach the puppy what it should and shouldnt do, at puppy stage they have to compete with all the other pups for food and if thats not delt with by the owners it can soon become a real problem.

    the same thing with feeding from the table, once a dog know we are eager to feed it scraps from our plates they are there scavenging for it.

    So its position in the pack, little if any exersise or mental stimulation, poor diet, un-corrected feeding habits and feeding from the table is a recipe for disaster.

    High excitement seeing food it can eat will drive it to take what it wants from what it believes is a lower pack member and any resistance will send it into the red zone which in turn whips the other dogs into a highly excited state and they will join in the competitive fight to get what they want.
  18. The trouble is Duke, the staffie/pitbull type are the weapon of choice for the council estate shaven headed knobheads. They are not interested in pack structure etc, all they want is a studded collar and two rows of teeth on the end of the lead. Until we can stop these pillocks the problem will only become larger. In my opinion, the staffy breed is on a one way street to the dangerous dogs act, not through any fault of its own but for simply being the preffered choice of the pilloks.
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  19. I was a marine for 14 years and during that time trained / guard dogs / dog section for 4 years. I have 3 dogs 1 boxer bull / boxer and a border terrier cross. In my experience I definitely agree with most of the comments on here, as it is how the dog is trained/ brought up. I see the same thing in this area , all the usual types with staffies / bulls of various types egging them on to have a go at people or other dogs (***kers). Mine are well trained / behaved and know that they are below people in the order of things, they are never on the lead when out for a walk on the downs etc, and never give any problems with dogs or people. Still I would never leave a child with them unattended, or let a friend go into my house without me or one of my family being there (they might get licked to death by my soppy pack). I had a fourth dog but he died recently, (a 60lb staffie) who was exactly the same, loved people. the bad eggs are giving these dogs a bad name. ( just my two pennies worth). AC :rolleyes:
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