I am reminded of a quote from a very wise man: People in glass houses ... ... should not play naked Twister.
Watch a race, enjoy a holiday, enjoy the scenery! That thing on your shoulders has more memory than you will record on a piece of manufactured crap. Enjoy life, don't ffs leave someone a film of you in an accident, or worse. The amount of self-righteous tubers posting vids of everyone doing something wrong on the road and in some cases, their reg plate number, really need to get a grip.
I'm sorry but this guy at whatever age deserves what he gets,feeble statement,feeble excuse ,and feeble skills.Its not a matter of trying to "get away with it" ,which is increasingly becoming the norm,its a matter of being responsible for your actions.The next time any of us complain about increased insurance premiums,just look at this video and wonder why.If you f*** up ,do yourself a favor,take it on the chin a try to learn from it.
One of the guys had one on the run at the weekend. I did say I hope he wont be posting it and if he does, not while I was in front. Nothing illegal from me, and we weren't going very quick, but all the same...
I've done my very best to follow you Paul and many times but never have BUT you are allways safe mate and that is the difference.