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Darcy Bussell?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Il have Mr Darcey in his frock coat...

    I'm not sure about make ballet dancers in tights:(
  2. Posh birds don't do it for me and I'd be distraught if I did what turned out to be a copper.....

    Sorry to any female police officer present.....but that's definitely a no no for me.
  3. What about a nice traffic warden Anth?
  4. Hmmm....I've never thought about that. I think it would be ok tho.

    We are talking a female traffic warden tho arn't we!

    I don't know any tho.....
  5. Get your ass to Ealing, west London, the home of the fittest traffic wardens in the UK. I think the head honcho has a thing for Russian girls...
  6. because its on a hill?
  7. when i lived in ealing a few years ago all the traffic wardens were nigerian...seems like i left too early..i love my eastern block honeys..especially the oppressed ones..they just seem so grateful to not get spat at or drop kicked.
  8. Royal Ballet Prima Ballerina to "eastern block honeys" in less than 2 page. . . . . :upyeah:
    I love Ducati Forum :smile:
  9. Wouldn't you rather have this lil beauty in your bed?

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  10. Here they are all dragons!
    I must have a funny brain .
    I reckon if someone put photos of the top 100 men in front of me and said take your pick I'd not like any of them.
    ive always liked quirky men .

    My main criteria is a man has to make me laugh.
    They have to be able to hold good conversation , be intelligent ( I've been out with a real dimmy it was so frustrating I had to end it fast :( )
    Sadly there are a lot of pretty women and handsome men out there who are stunning looking until they open their mouths .....
    Then when they do you want to cry because its so frustrating!
    I can also imagine a high maintenance woman could be pretty draining.
    unless someone wanted a trophy wife and really didn't care.
  11. High maintenance women ARE draining.

    Like really draining.

    This is why there aren't many rough-looking high-maintenance women. They can't afford to be - no one would put up with them.
  12. Can't I have both? I normally have the Minogue sisters together :upyeah:

    Ps. Who is it?
  13. Not a dancer but she can practice her Arabesque on my barre anytime. View attachment 7507 Dr Lucy Worsley.

  14. Phwooar! The eyes have it!
  15. According to Wiki she was born 18 December 1973. She's had a bloody hard paper round. :eek:
  16. Katherine Jenkins. Btw she needs some tonsil juice to lubricate her vocal chords.
  17. Not a fan! The eyes/eyebrows are a blokes??! Couldnt get wood for that one, too trannified? :eek: Her snatch would be proper feral, like a bramble thicket?
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  18. Yep - looks like a bloke with tits :eek:
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  19. ball draining.
    i always tell women that I'M high maintenance.
    women seek survival value in men.
    men seek replication value in women.
    egro, women are mainly attracted to status, social standing and a strong 'alpha' frame, (frame in a situational context..being calm, in control and unaffected)
    men are mainly attracted to looks (good genetics) as they (men) do not their require their survival value (unless they are low status men who cant take care of themselves..a big big turnoff)
    a great book is 'the evolution of desire', or if you want to understand about meeting women, then 'the mystery method', is the pick up artists bible.

    a persons 'type' is usually based upon there own perceptions of their own survival (status) and/or replication (looks/genetics) value. This is why its often said that a person is 'punching above their weight', and why womens magazines are obsessed with fashion and appearances.
    Attraction isnt a decision, its a biological reaction to certain triggers. A persons attraction to another is like flicking a switch. If a man triggers the correct switches in a womens brain, usually by giving indicators of social value ie, intelligence, wit, status, a leader of men, protector of loved ones, a provider etc then she will find him attractive. A women can trigger the same switches with similar things but primarily on visual stimuli like hip to waist ratio, limp length etc.
    This is all scientific fact.
    Swaggering up to a woman saying 'youre gorgeous, can i buy you a drink', is a sure fire turn off to most women, especially women who would be a '8' or above in the looks stakes. This lowers the value of the male and makes him seem like every other loveable loser in the bar. Youve already telegraphed interest and made a judgment without her having to prove anything to you..youve literally made your mind up, that she's good enough for you, based purely on her looks...and she knows it. A lack of sexual interest, a non needy attitude and paying compliments to her intelligence and character are much more attractive.
    Asking an opinion such as 'would you date a guy who was still friends with his ex?' is a much better way to engage in conversation.
    All of this is why women spend hours getting ready to go out, wear push up bras with chicken fillets and crippling shoes (to advertise their replication value) and why men like to show off with jokes, flash cars and money (survival value).
    Oh, and why women often find 'weird' or 'quirky' men attractive...usually these men will be able to demonstrate high social value with their network of friends, intellect, career, humour etc
    they call me doctor love.
    #39 funkyrimpler, Oct 31, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
  20. i dont wish to be woood, but this women is an absolute hound...the female equivalent of andrew marr.
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