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Darling V Salmond

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mary Hinge, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. You have neatly illustrated the well-known phenomenon of people getting more conservative as they get older. In life we accumulate promises, expectations and obligations, and correspondingly we worry the promises may not be kept - so we gain a vested interest in the status quo. It is hard to resist this tendency and be adventurous.
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  2. It's pretty obvious it will be NO, but the media are still trying to make out that there is some kind of contest; after all they have to shift papers. Since every opinion poll on the subject has shown a majority for NO throughout, and most of them large majorities for NO, it would take the upset of the century for the vote to turn out to be YES. Damp squib, I think.
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  3. If Scotland vote's NO can the rest of the Union have a vote on throwing them out afterwards ? :D
  4. and be stuck with that drivel the irish call whiskey? Good god no.
  5. can we have a vote on wales and northern Ireland whilst we are at it
  6. and Essex.
  7. You should have put all your savings into bikes like I have, then it wouldn't have mattered and you would have enjoyed your savings more. Some people :rolleyes:
  8. i was anticipating some proper slanging here but alas no. bummer
    i will do it for you ET thread closed. :(.
  9. Let em go.

    Imagine how cheap land will be when they have all left? Plus it may make Edinburgh actually affordable for the local Scots when it becomes a slum.

    All those southern London tories will be rubbing their hands...for years they tried to conquer Scotland and now the scots will do it for them
  10. i take it that was the half time entrainment?
    all i can say is if your happy with our parliament if your happy with the direction Britain is going you will never understand why at the moment 45% deffo yes and a reasonable amount still don't know and a percentage of the no campaign are understandably feart to make the change.
  11. I thought Darling did a very good job and Wee Eck came across as disingenuous.

    I hope and expect that it will be a big no, a clear majority of those in Scotland I talk to are no's.
  12. If an independent Scotland kept the Pound it would be vulnerable to the kind of pressures that have ruined Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland.
  13. i know. i also know with proper regulation, strategic coast line, abundant mineral and intellectual wealth.
    a world renowned brand and no longer tied to Westminster and all the history that surrounds it. the chances are i wont have to worry about it. but if it does i know we will deal with it.
    Greece/Spain/Portugal and to some extent the southern irish otherwise known as the manyanna republic. (spelling.)
  14. The point being that you wouldn't be able to regulate any aspect of monetary policy.

    And (spelling) is a given on any of your posts fin ;)
  15. Any argument that has Nicola Sturgeon on it's side deserves to lose.
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  16. A question I don't know the answer to but think would be relevent. How many scots live in Scotland versus elsewhere in the UK then rest of the world? Google didn't give me an answer
  17. What direction is westminster going in that you think salmond wont? War? Well it was the scots in the cabinet that sent us there. Austerity? Great if if think the scots who ran westminster made the right choices of overspending which took us to recession. Nuclear arms? Well tell that to the people of Portsmouth who have lost all their jobs so a more expensive, and less productive, scottish yard can be kept open for the cause of a no vote
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Interesting maybe, relevant no. Only residents of Scotland get to vote.
  19. Thats why it is relevant. And if its that great a country, why would most (if its more than 50% of the population, no idea) choose to leave? When trade becomes more difficult, taxes dry up and people move out creating yet more tax deficit, how will they cope
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