Scotland does not have a coastline that points to China. The only abundant mineral wealth is coil. The oil and gas is winding down. Intellectual wealth? well you have me there.
We leave because its fucking freezing and to escape county dancing tv shows. Or we just happen to end up where we are.
no more than can be done now. and correct me if i am wrong bank of England is independent of Westminster not an expert in finances just my own mind. is our parliamentary system becoming more like the U.S. looks are more important than policy? could it be that Scots leave the country because they can? might not be so easy with the rise of ukip. ukip is the direction the uk is going. more barriers please. and the very "Scotsman" that like the rest of them are two weak to control the bankers is the one that says we cant. eh!! and to be honest i am just hoping by giving some people enough rope there mouth will talk us in to Independence.
The Parliamentary system in Westminster is desperately in need of reform but that is no reason to split the Union. Salmond always comes across to me as a bit Gilbert and Sullivan, a smart guy but deeply flawed.
The uk is going ukip?! I'm assuming thats a joke. The borders aren't closed. We do not burn eastern europeans homes and chase them from our towns, nor do we bar them from gaining works. Funny enough the govt direction is rule by the uk for the uk with appropriate controls on migration to ensure the rights skills are recruited for the good of the uk. How is that a different position to the scottish yes vote?!
the uk is going ukip the harder it gets the louder they will shout. do you beleave parliamentary reform is required. do you beleave the needs of the north are the same as the south. majority rules mate. do you think this is an anti English referendum? honest answers please.
Yes, I do if you're asking me. The same as the university thing. The same as open racism (sic) on TV. Its not about being independent, its about getting rid of the English rule. Which is amusing as the English rule finished in Scotland years ago. About the same time as it finished in England. You are more rights to self govern in Scotland than I do in England. As do NI. As do Wales.
i don't think we do bradders i think we have more power to tailor our share of the budget to our needs. i am genuinely saddened to know you feel it's about race. it's not. it's about what most people want.
Bootsam (I cant be having an English passport. I'm not English.) I'm in the same situation living in London being Scottish, Might need dual nationality passports !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not atoll, i let my self get a little emotional when called a scrounger again from my ducati bros. i take it your jet lagged? any one listen to r4 last night? suggested in another poll that upto 75% of Asians are gonna vote with the snp for independence. is that the sign of a better community?
Obviously the people with Asian backgrounds are going to vote for Scottish independence. They know that they can then buy the country from the Scots for the price of a dozen Mars bars.