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Darling V Salmond

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mary Hinge, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. crazy kids.
  2. Me too King Eck will be sendin' the boys round if its a Yes
  3. The independence bid is a dead turkey and always has been. Just weeks away from the referendum and they still don't know what currency Scotland would use? If they haven't considered something so critical, what hope for the minor details? The notion of Scotland becoming independent is an interesting one, but the bid for it has been clumsily botched. I'd be utterly amazed if it were anything but a no.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. i only scored. not telling.
  5. Gave up after the 2nd question, was the loch ness monster an answer to any of the questions?
  6. I got 50%, not bad since I've never heard of some of it.
  7. i am pretty sure they got the answer wrong regarding national animal.
  8. Tortoise
  9. :confused: Not according to Google.
  10. that's what i thought hence i left that one blank.
  11. isn't everyone just a little bit bored of talking about scotland.......
  12. That was the one question that I got wrong.
  13. No.

    The referendum could change a relationship that has lasted for over 300 years.

    And I like Scotland.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Not bad for a southerner but I would have expected more from an Oxbridge graduate.

  15. so if its been going over 300 years..........why or who is choosing to change it now...
  16. and what about an independent wales or an independent cornwall....
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