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Daytime MOT rules...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nelson, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. You'll be fine with the full fat MOT. TBH all they will do is a vehicle check and it will come back as MOT'd. The lights bit is only an advisory. Stop flapping and go and ride your wrecker
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  2. Having, or not having, an MoT is completely irrelevant to you breaking the law by contravening the Vehicle Construction and Use Regulations. If the lights don't work, that's a problem - even if you have got an MoT. Getting a daytime MoT removes the requirement to have working lights fitted. If you use a bike on the road it has to be legal, and that doesn't just mean it passed an MoT at some time in the last 12 months. http://www.persona.uk.com/ashton/Core_docs/New/D43.pdf Plesae read carefully, and don't say you weren't warned...
  3. 38 (1) (b) is a good one...........(as is 39 (1)(a))
  4. Ducati's non-compliance with 38 (1)(b) has caught me out a couple of times - broken mirror last time... I've always wondered how they get away with that one - it does seem to contradict the rule about not being able to ride off with the sidestand down though... And my Formula 750S definitely fails 39 (1)(a)... Guess I'm not as law-abiding as I thought !
  5. For information. here's an extract from the Directive on fuel tanks (nothing about having to be metal):

    Directive 70/221/EEC
    Article 2
    No Member State may refuse to grant EEC type approval or national type approval of a vehicle on grounds relating to liquid fuel tanks or rear protective devices if these satisfy the requirements set out in the Annex.
    I. Tanks and reserve tanks for liquid fuel
    I. 1. Fuel tanks must be made so as to be corrosion resistant. They must satisfy the leakage tests carried out by the manufacturer at a pressure equal to double the working pressure but in any event not less than 1.3 bars. Any excess pressure or any pressure exceeding the working pressure must be automatically compensated by suitable devices (vents, safety valves, etc.). The vents must be designed in such a way as to prevent any fire risks. The fuel must not escape through the fuel tank cap or through the devices provided to compensate excess pressure, even if the tank is completely overturned : a drip shall be tolerated.

    I. 2. Fuel tanks must be installed in such a way as to be protected from the consequences of an impact to the front or to the rear of the vehicle ; there shall be no protruding parts, sharp edges, etc., near the tanks.
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  6. Soooooooo,do I need a reflector? :biggrin:
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  7. Tell you what...........why don't you stick a fuckin' reflector on and then take it for MOT.............then ask the tester if you need it...............if you don't, peel the fucker off again......

    Pretty simple really....:wink:
  8. Going to make a slot in and outable one...:upyeah:
  9. That's my boy!

    Or you can get sticky pads or tiny bolts, y'know...............
  10. F'me though, tis rather complicated.... Ride bike to MOT station armed with allen keys and gaffer tape, remove any items that may aid safer riding or that may insight tester to fail bike, not forgetting to then cocoon said bike in fVcking gaffer tape....:rolleyes:

  11. Whats wrong with sticky pads and a thin pushbike reflector?

    You would also be surprised at just how low the MOT standard is for motorcycles.........even brakes don't appear to have to work that hard to pass.
  12. Read the Road Vehicle Lighting Regulations 1988, specifically table 2 of Schedule 1 which is what should concern you, not MOT manuals, not the Construction and use Regulations.

    You need obligatory lights to ride on the road lawfully.

    The MOT will have as much effect in protecting you from prosecution as a note from your Mum.

    Several years ago in my former job I was professionally embarrassed by a very nice QC at a case conference over a fatal Rtc involving a bike.

    Wasn't fun but it taught me to read legislation carefully before putting forward theories based on well meaning but inaccurate common knowledge.

    The Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989
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  13. From the same Regulations quoted above....

    Exemptions—General4.—(1) Where a provision is applied by these Regulations to a motor vehicle first used on or after a specified date it does not apply to any vehicle manufactured at least six months before that date.
    (2) Where an exemption from, or a relaxation of, a provision is applied by these Regulations to a motor vehicle first used before a specified date it shall also apply to a motor vehicle first used on or after that date if it was manufactured at least six months before that date.
    (3) Nothing in these Regulations shall require any lamp or reflector to be fitted between sunrise and sunset to–
    (a)a vehicle not fitted with any front or rear position lamp,
    (b)an incomplete vehicle proceeding to a works for completion,
    (c)a pedal cycle,
    (d)a pedestrian-controlled vehicle,
    (e)a horse-drawn vehicle,
    (f)a vehicle drawn or propelled by hand, or
    (g)a combat vehicle.
    (4) Without prejudice to regulation 16, for the purposes of these Regulations a lamp shall not be treated as being a lamp if it is–
    (a)so painted over or masked that it is not capable of being immediately used or readily put to use; or
    (b)an electric lamp which is not provided with any system of wiring by means of which that lamp is, or can readily be, connected with a source of electricity.
  14. ^^^^ so, in other words, in the daytime you don't need lights!
  15. It means if they are not fitted, you don't have to fit them........if you are using the bike between sunrise and sunset.

    It used to say Daytime and Nightime hours with a period of time in between / either side of those hours.
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  16. Thanks for posting the exceptions Al.
    Certainly more complex than you would expect, it's no surprise then that your average tester will adopt the "all or nothing" approach...much simpler to apply!
  17. I read it that you don't even need a reflector either, but I was always under the impression one was required..........I will stick with what I think a tester will want.............speedo, horn, reflector......

    ....but it seems any of us could be right and any of us could be wrong.........

  18. Yup.
    I'll be going with a the three you have mentioned, plus indicators and brake light, not keen on riding without them.
    I will also have a 5mm allen key and a roll of tape at the ready...:upyeah:

  19. Toms zx4 has just gone through, didn't even need a reflector where he took it.
  20. Interesting reading, the post from Pete1950... "Directive 70/221/EEC... ANNEX I. Tanks and reserve tanks for liquid fuel. I. 1. Fuel tanks must be made so as to be corrosion resistant..." That pretty much rules out any tank ever made by Kawasaki ! They must use the quickest rotting steel known to man in their tanks...
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