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Did The Taliban Ever Really Exist ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Android, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Something else, War on Terror?. I'm tired of walking through Airports looking at the elderly, children, families being treated as terrorists. All in the name of security, give me a break. Its disgusting the way War is helping our Security. Bullshit.

    Scaremongering good people into believing War is necessary.
  2. You'd rather have an unchecked potential for mass murder on public transport than a slightly longer queue at check in?
  3. A potential? What potential? What's your point? You think a family going on holiday treated as a potential is for the better good?
  4. I think that a terrorist act only has to happen once for the nation to question why the authorities did nothing to protect the victims.

    By defining a group which is not a threat one is defining a method for an ill-wisher to evade detection.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Would you discourage the mass immunisation of children against polio because it stings? After all, very few of those who aren't immunised will actually contract polio. Why should everyone suffer a sharp scratch for their benefit?
  6. It's a similar issue with Israel and Palestine: Security, Surveillance and associated technologies are now a massive industry in Israel so there's absolutely no motivation to seek a peaceful, political solution with the Palestinians. On the contrary, keeping the Palestinian population virtually caged up and regularly prodding them with sticks provides a perfect R&D environment for these businesses. The fact that the West is now also obsessed with the 'War on Terror' means that there is ready demand for these security products and services.
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  7. Terrorist acts happen all over the world. Governments constantly tell the public that it's in the name of security. So, next time I see shit Airport security profiling, I should sit on the plane knowing I will be safe that the mother of the baby 2 rows in front, bagged the feed.

    Define a group, that doesn't happen, does it?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Have a swim in a river. BBC news
  9. At the end of the day, regardless of our own individual views on it all, it's all down to money. It's probably cheaper to scan people at the airport than it is to cleanup after an air incident and compensate the victims families. There's no actual real concern by the people who make the decision, as by the time it reaches them it's already been planned and the costs evaluated. A is cheaper than B. Let's go with A.
  10. Massively unlikely. Airport security is a political statement and nothing else. Should I want to blow a plane out of the skies with myself on board it I'm pretty certain I would succeed.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Are you insinuating that I accept an air accident is acceptable so we don't have hassle of airport security?

    If you are happy with the attitude that anti terrorism laws, searches, security etc helps you sleep, that's good, its working for you.
  12. Why is War and the forces promoted? Oppose it at your peril, like it is so wrong. Anti War is not wrong. Remember those gone, whether family, friends or a name on a stone. You don't have look far to see someone effected by the War on Terror.

    For what? For our freedom and Security, OK
  13. I think Evoarrow asks a reasonable question about airport security. We adopt a blunderbuss approach when, with a little bit of profiling, we could make life easier for the majority of air travellers, but that wouldn't be PC. So far I do not believe there have been any suicide families for example. I can't take a penknife onto a plane yet I can take a pencil. Most checked baggage is not scanned. Airport security is big business, not terribly effective and woe betide anyone who questions it.
  14. How many Brits die each year in plane hijackings compared to die on the roads ?
  15. Is there not a degree of mutual exclusivity about these statements.

    What I am hearing pingping is that a lot of good work has been done but that it will probably disintegrate once we leave. Surely in that case you have to question whether the overall strategy is sound ?

    This in turn begs the question why did over 400 British service men and women die, along with so many others.
  16. Always makes me laugh how so many in the military mock and ridicule the efforts of those not in their particular "tribe."
    Not getting at you in personally PingPing just something that seems weird to me as you are all on the same team.

    I find it interesting ....we have been "helping" in Afgahanistan since 1809 easily longer than the Taliban were around, eg.....1842 January, Massacre of Elphinstone's army: A retreating British force of sixteen thousand were massacred by the Afghans.

    Reading his interview for the Big Issue seemed to make sense especially the bit at the end where he worries about the backlash from the troops who have been out there and then see how their efforts have not brought the changes they fought so hard for.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. In response to profiling, as soon as you introduce profiles that are deemed unthreatening you introduce a weakness in the system. If young, white families aren't searched then all an ill-wishing individual or group has to do is create the illusion of a young, white family and they can succeed in their plans.
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  18. I think it would be difficult to create the illusion of being a young white family without actually being a young white family and anyone who tried to do so would stand out like a sore thumb. Once a young white family had been identified as such maybe they could be given a slightly easier passage. However the jobsworths who perform the security checks are not prepared to exercise discretion in this manner and insist upon treating everyone the same, guilty until proven innocent. I have been on the receiving end of this so know it to be true. I have also seen gross incompetence in that a middle aged man travelled through several airport security check with the passport of his 14 year old son.

    But we digress from Afghanistan and the Taliban.
  19. Taliban, Isis, whatever you want to call any group of extremists, terrorists resurgent fighters etc the biggest mistake you can make is to underestimate your enemy. The other thing to remember is that who the 'good' and who the 'bad' are depends on who you are and what side of the fence you are on.

  20. Absolutely, as soon as you fail to understand the 3 year old child potentially could have a teddy bear stuffed full of explosives when boarding a flight you have no security at all. There is nothing an extremist won't stoop to, and absolutely no way of knowing who an extremist is - the IRA proved that.
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