Having a gun would be like having a large pot of cocaine in your house. Sooner or later, you'd want to use it. Best thing is to keep temptation at bay by having nothing to do with either of them.
Religion. In the US a massive amount (the majority) think that god made humans exactly the way the bible describes it. Some of their schools still teach creationism - still. Mad.
Wtf? I take it you have no sharp objects, matches or similar items nearby? I'd quickly get rid of your car and bike too, just in case you're tempted to do something naughty with one of them.
I kind off agree with him. Guns is not the problem it is people. If murderer wants to murder you with a gun he will. If you take gun away and his still wants to kill you he will take a knife, if that is gone a baseball bat, hammer, rock or bear fists. Gun is a tool like many other tools around. Like I said have a logo and bowling for colambia you will be surprised how ma y guns are in Canada and how many more then in US. Yet Canadians leave doors unlocked in many areas.
Why is that then? Knives used in an offensive method rarely miss, they rarely malfunction, they do not run out of ammunition, they are silent and very stealthy in deployment, they are far more readily available to anyone wanting one, easy to conceal and are far more likely to be used offensively than a firearm.
Because personally I doubt they'd be able to kill that many people so easily in a school with a knife I'd take my chances with a bread-knife over a gun For a local massacre - a guns going to be weapon of choice in the US , I guess we just don't hear of the attempted massacre when the gun misfires or the Ducati won't start
i travelled extensively across the US in the late 90's (i was there for about a year)..started on the east coast and ended in hawaii..ive also visited a few times, and my ex had family over there so ive lived the average american life.. what can i say about america? well, as a country, it is probably one of the most breath takingly beautiful and diverse continents on earth and is really like 50 different countries..spoiled only by the population. in my experience, i have met some lovely people over there, but generally speaking, their culture is very dispassionate...anyone at or near the bottom is there because 'they deserve it'...this attitude is changing of course as 10s of thousands of americans are becoming increasingly homeless..there is no safety net in america, and if you slip due to health or financial problems then you are in deep, deep trouble..you cant renew your medical insurance because youre a 'high risk', you cant get loans..nothing..hence the streets are full of homeless and desperate people..the disparity between rich and poor is a yawning chasm and its an import that were whole heartedly following. Literally one wrong turn in a nice neighbourhood and youre in a ghetto..places like memphis have bare foot children running around in dungarees living in shacks..its like something from the pages of Mark Twain...Almost nowhere feels really safe..they have gated communities to keep America away from their front door..essentially towns within towns..many with their own local Police...I was arrested once merely for being parked in a nice suburb looking at a map.ive had a gun drawn on me by a cop whilst reaching for my ID on the glove box...i dread to think what lifes' like if youre black. My ex's brothers' family have to raise $1500 a month to keep his mother in law alive thanks to the cost of her medication, which is no longer covered by insurance and is priced according to what 'the market will bare'...therefore, he and his wife and kids have had to move in with the in laws and they cant afford to raise the money for a deposit..their kids have had to change schools and share a bedroom, sleeping on matresses on the floor...all within an hours drive of beverly hills. This is America. They are so poorly educated that it beggars belief, most think that europe and africa are countries and cant find the UK on a globe..ive tried...Once o was watching the 'news' and they described tony blair on a state visit as 'the english premier'.. many are totally unaware of the restrictions on their personal freedoms since 911 and the patriot act, most are running scared of the world outside, an idea that the media constantly pump out across the airwaves....again, another import that were following... Many of the Police look like paramilitaries....take a trip to Manhattan.. Any country where you have to be constantly told that youre free should be viewed with suspicion..They dont get irony or banter (except maybe on the east coast), rascism is absolutely rife everywhere, even in liberated california...oh and Britain doesnt really matter to the average american.. We conceitedly and misguidedly think that were in a 'special relationship'..basically because the BBC say so and a few people holiday in the bubble of Florida where 'we love you guys' is repeatedly ad nauseum.. I'll say this though, most are great at sincerity...have a nice day and all that.... You can live there for years as an ex pat with a business (assuming you employ to US citizens full time and are in profit)..once youre no longer in profit for over a year you face deportation in 6 WEEKS...ive known of Brits who've lived there for 20 years and having to relocate with their american kids die to business problems caused by health problems and the failing economy. As american continues its inevitable decline and asia begins its reign, i think that the country will behave even more like a wounded dog and become ever more dangerous and unstable//couple this to the fact that the economy is almost entirely dependant on Chinese money will further destabilise the country..this is probably why the authorities are building so many FEMA camps in which to imprison its citizens, with one eye on the future anticipated civil unrest... Entry into the States requires that you have a retinal scan, a palm scan in addition to the usual checks....your details will be on a database somewhere.. Ive meet some great yanks, usually those that are a bit more enlightened, gay, or have travelled across their own country or better still to europe. I love the land of America, the sheer scale of it, the musical culture and their general sense of optimism, but i hate their religious zeal, lack of education, naivety arrogance and introspection..many of the throw backs that we exported when we ran the world.
I don't want to insult anyone, but frankly, you'd have to be a muppet or just playing devil's advocate to maintain that were firearms not so easily available in the US, the massacre of all those little kids just wouldn't have happened. No, the disturbed young man would not have shown up with a bread knife and succeeded in murdering 20 odd children and 6 adults. And it was Columbine, not Columbia. America has a big problem with firearms. There may be plenty in Canada or even Switzerland, but the culture in those countries is such that the populace doesn't keep killing people with them. Sure it's people that kill, not guns. But put it this way, would you go to your nearest lunatic asylum and start handing them out? In the US, any weirdo can go and get tooled up at his local store (or even supermarket) and they do. Americans have a choice - bask in their wonderful constitution and stand by as the massacres go on, or wake up to the real world, which is no longer about popping Indians from your circle of covered wagons and give the fucking things up. Their constant stupidity and hypocrisy is beginning to grate on me.
An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year
About five years ago I was in Dallas on business when my customer decided to take me to a place called the Bass Pro Shop in Grapevine (a town that is famous for Bonny and Clyde having been shot there). The Bass Pro Shop is a massive hunting, shooting, fishing store, the like you will never see in the UK. As we were going round I saw hundreds of merchandise gondolas with approx 10-12 guns/rifles etc on each gondola and not one was chained down. I asked my client if you needed a licence to buy/own a gun in Texas. His reply was no. However you did need a licence to buy a fishing rod!!! And didn't Michael Moore highlight in one of his documentaries a bank in Texas that gave you a gun if you opened up a current account with them. And they didn't see the irony of such an action. The US and in particular Texas is a nut job.
So you think that 300 million guns are going to be given up . The majority of will no doubt be legally held but not on any register at all. The only ones that would get given up would be the ones held by the folks that would never use them in a violent way anyway . Why woud a would be murderer hand in a weapon that he may want to use. If only one of the dead teachers had been carrying a gun then this may have ended a different way altogether . Sorry but theres far to many guns out there now for them to be "handed in" and if they were, handed in, then all the bad guys would have one and all the good guys would have handed there`s in.
If the British government made a voluntary 80 bhp cap on your bike before going compulsory would you be first in line .
Obviously no one is going to hand in 300m guns. But your notion of good and bad guys is pretty simplistic. Spotty teenagers, or withdrawn youths, who seem to perpetrate a lot of school shootings are not some underworld-connected gangsters, but middle-class kids. If the US had the same gun laws as the UK, these people would probably get no further than insulting their classmates on Facebook. So yes, if the "good" guys handed in their weapons, there would be fewer lying around for the current 10 year-olds to pick up in 7 year's time or whatever. As for teachers being armed on the off-chance of a nutter showing up with an M-16 - I think you are seriously out to lunch. Hand guns (not hunting rifles or shotguns) are designed for one thing: to kill people. There is no other point to them. I'd be pretty queasy about living in a society where whenever someone flipped their lid because they'd had a bad day at work or an argument with a spouse they could immediately rummage around in their sock drawer and pull out a Colt 45.
I was in texas once and we popped into a K-Mart to buy a calor gas bottle..we went over to the sporting goods section and saw the now familiar sight of rifles, pistols and even semi automatic weapons for sale...totally fkd up... on a highway near fort worth we were driving along and saw a large shop on the right and on its roof in huge white letters was 'GUNS'...about 5 miles further up the highway was another shop, identical to the first except that this one had 'AMMO' painted on the roof!! Probably something to do with their tight gun control legislation about not being able to sell the items in the same store... The gun that allegedly killed Kennedy cost $12 and was purchased by mail order.. the problem is, with america being so immature, and its population swallowing the media circus about the country being constantly under threat they will never give up their guns...allied to the fact that more and people are becoming more and more desperate and with a ground swell of the population now starting to question their diminishing civil rights, innocent people disappearing and ending up in detention centres and a general distrust of the government and each other, regulating guns in america is virtually impossible.