I wouldn't mind so much if they (a) didn't want to export their warped sense of "democracy" all over the world and (b) we didn't have to continually worry about what is going on in the States as if it's the most important country in the world. Half the Philippines is wiped out every year by typhoons and mudslides and no one gives a monkey's. But if New York gets a bit damp, then we all have to be glued to the box and follow every twist and turn of events.
I would agree if there weren't so many already out there .But even if there was 1 million of the handed in it would not slow down the murderer getting one . We have a hobby and it happens to be riding bikes . he has a hobby too.Welcome to USPSA.org - Home of the United States Practical Shooting Association
Im a FAC so love my guns. And my bikes, but I do feel the argument is somewhat miles apart... Automatic firearms are not required by any civilian IMO. Oh and I only need 12 bhp...
in most states of the US, county jail is mandatory for many offences including many misdemeanors..these include DUI, drunk and disorderly conduct and assaulting a police officer or resisting arrest..A misdemeanor is a mandatory 4 days in prison..(depending on the state) county jail has cat A prisoners and people who havent paid their taxes in large, shared cells....if you are jailed for say, being drunk or drinking from an uncovered bottle you will be sharing time in a cell with over a dozen people, many of whom will be violent offenders and drug addicts..this is also where you are detained waiting for an arraingment, bail, or trial...if convicted, the time spent in jail is reduced from your sentence, if found innocent then you are released, but you have spent a minimum of 4 days in a real prison wearing a jump suit and chains...how do i know this? My ex brother in law was stopped in his car and found over the state limit for alcohol and spent 7 days in prison..he was released with a large fine, but lost his job as a consequence, and the respect of his in-laws... so yes, its quite possible that 30 odd million americans have been imprisoned...almost to the point where it has become 'normalised'...some of the populations in americas 'megajails' equal that of a small town. why should it be surprising when so many of its injured ex serviceman end up homeless begging for change and selling pencils from a paper cup? this is why, for one example, our governments make such a public song and dance of respecting serviceman and publicise with so much pomp and ceremony the armed forces. if the job wasnt held in high regard by the public and people so desperate for work, no one would sign up to protect foreign oil interests and the like...the authorities need fresh meat for the grinder, but particularly the american ex servicemen are 'non viable' once theyve served..and thus the slide into oblivion for so many of them..particulary when they cant work and buy medical cover...result?? theres a disproportionately large number of physically and mentally broken ex servicemen begging on the streets for loose change... it aint all about middle class, english speaking white folks with huge fridges you know.
We cant be the ones to decide what others can do . If that happens then none of us will be allowed to breathe.
None of this makes sense. Can someone explain to me why laws that result in >10,000 people being killed each year by guns are appropriate, but the actions of some other people on 9/11 that resulted in c3,000 deaths were abominable? The whole thing is a croc of shit in my opinion. None of it is acceptable, why do politicians accept that the deaths of these kids/ adults is acceptable. How can the gun lobby be so powerful? Let them explain why their freedom to hold arms is more important than the lives of kids and parents.
Man says, 'my neighbour's got a gun, so I have to have one'. Neighbour says, 'He's got a gun too, better get myself a bomb'. Man says, 'Fuck me, he's got a bomb now. Honey, get in the car, we're going to the bomb shop'. And so it goes on, until you get nations flexing their nuclear might.
If there are 300m Americans and 4m members of the NRA, you'd hope that you'd be able to organise a bigger pressure group, in this era of "social media" that objects to little children being killed because of a load of willy-waving fools. I don't recall Jesus being in favour of topping people who don't agree with you - and I thought he was supposed to be the role model for most Americans. Yeah. Right.
and we were all falling over ourselves to help Japan, who coincedentally, major trading partners and also one of the wealthiest countries in its own right?? we pick and choose our friends when it suits us...it was the morally right thing to do to help the japanese, we all have a responsibility as residents of this small blue rock, but when we have nothing to gain, or cannot hold the country to ransom then we turn a blind eye..and if the people are in our back yard, but the demographic then its just tough....New Orleans anyone? i wonder what would happen if Beverly Hills, Glendale, Boca Raton, La Jolla or some other upmarket district had the misfortune to be struck by lightning or a huge flood?? A national state of emergency i shouldnt wonder, with the Home Guard following shortly behind.
OK Glidd I think you are over simplifying it all. Middle class kids know full well where to buy drugs and drugs are illegal. If they want illegal gun they will ask their friendly neighbourhood dealer to get him one. He will know someone directly or indirectly who can get one as I bet he him self, as any "respectful" dealer, has one. A handgun in London is about 100 GBP for shitty crap that shoots, Glock is about 350 GBP. Not a fortune, not out of reach. If you restrict guns in US underground will flourish and it will be easier to get one not harder. Only law abiding citizens will loose them. Any mental case or criminal will know where to get one. As usual problem is education and as funky and few others noticed Americans are not that well educated.
Yup - roll on the 21st , I think we need to start over Watched a program's though about that lot is the US who are preparing for domesday Bunch of nutters
No matter which side of the pond you are on....you can't legislate to protect us from the random cranky people out there. :frown:
Of course there's no need for 300 million people to hand in their guns. All you gotta do is cut the supply of ammo.
ive just watched the news and it turns out that the mother of the kid who murdered the school children was a 'Prepper'..this is a survivalist community who are protecting themselves against the government and preparing for an american civil war by stockpiling food and resources...this 100% substantiates what ive said in my previous post. I told you what is was like..i was right about savile and im right about this.
The biggest problem with the gun laws in the USA is that apart from loonies being able to acquire guns, they allow idiots to have them..... ....in the UK, shotgun and firearm certificate holders are subjected to a visit from Plod to assess gun security and the owner / holder of the guns and certificate; they are also researched by Plod before the certificate is issued, including GP's records; plus a respectable co-signatory of the application form who has known the holder for a few years is also required.....sometimes they are interviewed in the course of establishing the 'stability' of the holder. In addition, if anyone reports the holder to express doubts over a holder's suitablity, it is likely the guns and ticket can be removed from the holder....... OK, so errors in the UK process can occur and that can largely be down to Plod being a bit lax.....however it is a process which doesn't exist at all in the USA, so the bearded, fat, 4WD drive owner, Nazi worshipper, can simply walk into a gun mart and equip himself with a huge armoury; unless a minor check throws up a major conviction or a warrant.........that is, assuming the USA Plod have links to computers in other states and even if they do, an offence in one state will probably not get onto the system in another state. Therefore and basically what it comes down to, is that in the USA, people that in the UK would be classed as 'off their trolley' or irresponsible can access firearms with ease. AL