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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Birdie, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. I agree with you whole heartedly with regards to the blame and witch hunt which will go on and on, but I thought the topic was the discusting behaviour and attitudes of those that choose not to honour a moment in time, in the memory of a tragic set of circumstance's, but Instead chose to put the blinkers on just because 'it doesn't affect me'.

    I hope that one day it doesn't affect the ignorant among us, but I guess perspectives would soon change if it did.
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  2. sorry forums don't work like that , we can all have are point to say and we do not have to agree with each other , i can see your point about lack of respect for the ones who died at the stadium but it was an accident no mater whose fault it was , and lets face facts your average so called football fan is a moron , why else would they get excited by such a dull "game" , if you relay want to watch a game with passion try following the amateur Sunday league or small boys playing in the park "Jumpers for goal posts "
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  3. I am a football fan and a bike fan, also support our boys fighting overseas (p.s. Rememberence Sunday is also for current losses not just historic wars).
    A loss in any field is tragic and some will respect certain players of those fields and some wont.

    If you think football is about punting a pigs bladder about then I guess it's not your field.
    Football is like chess or battles that have strategy and some players are exceptionally good at it that get paid extensively (and I actually agree too much for football) for thier skills.
    I believe Cricket is strategic too, but I don't understand it, so I choose not comment on it.

    To use a similarly about watching football in a Sunday League or school ground, why go to Donnington and watch an multi-millionare Rossi ride around when you can sit on an M25 bridge, or go to a DD meeting. Does he get paid too much for 'Just riding a bike around and around' and then complaining that the bike is no good? (Rhetorical)
    I remember paying much more to get into a GP race than the FA cup finals I have been to at Wembley, and more at BSB rounds than any league game, and there are far fewer riders than footballers.
    Food for thought. :wink:

    As for forums, there are areas like the lounge deliberately set aside for 'off topic' discussions.
    If you don't like the discussion why participate? There are plenty more bike related ones to choose from :smile:
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  4. Well this has caused a stir, this was not a football thread but just a set of circumstances that happened to take place before a football match. My post was to show my disappointment over the actions of a minority of ( according to the media ) Chelsea fans choosing to disrupt a minutes silence, this was a high profile match shown to millions all over the world and even the TV director had to cut away from live coverage at Wembley and show a still picture of Anfield while this disruption took place. There have been a lot of good points made here and I must agree that the annual Memorial service at Anfield should be enough and there was no need for one at Wembley, that said the was one and it is not to much to ask for it to be respected.
    This was posted on the Lounge forum which is for none bike related topics and I don't see the need for anyone to start f-ing and blinding because its not about bikes.
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  5. Birdie you are so right about what you said regarding the actions of some of these people at the semi final on Sunday.Surely any normal human being would want to show some respect for the unfortunate victims of this awful tragedy.Many of them so young,like the little boy who died a few yards from me on this terrible day.He was wearing a woollen hat bearing the Liverpool logo.I shall always remember this young man.I haven't gone to a football game since.
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  6. just hope Barcalona batter them chelsea scumbags

  7. :upyeah:
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