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Do you do an impression of a nodding dog?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by El Toro, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Not much nodding here, unless hands are required for indicating, clutch or something. Otherwise it's a small wave (very small in my case) unless I am stuck behind slow moving traffic in which case, to relieve the boredom, I start doing hugely extravagant waves.

    But I often don't bother. There are so many bikes here at weekends that you'd find yourself in a ravine if you tried waving at everyone. Keep your eye on the road or you might tool into them.

    However I always wave to little children, either by the roadside or in cars. You can see that this makes them very happy and will spark a new generation of bikers. They also love it, if they are waving to you out of the back window of a car, when you finally give it a monster handful as you overtake them. Must make their day. Only time I really show off.
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  2. Certainly the youngsters in cars that wave, and the not so young :wink:.

    Always remember pulling alongside a varity club sunshine coach on my way down to Cornwall. One lad on there looked so thoroughly hacked off staring out the window so gave him a thumbs up, the look on his face was a picture. Made my day and i hope it went some way to cheer him even just a little bit
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  3. I'm with Gliddofglood ....wave to the kids.....frighten the parents

    I even wave to those lonely police bikers...... and they sometimes wave back.

    you never know it may just ease the pain later when we're chatting at the roadside:wink:

    you know that one way chat:smile:
    #23 Android, Aug 21, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2012
  4. Also wave at kids on bridges too. They seem to enjoy that too. :upyeah:
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  5. Always nod, usualy first.

    Wave at kids as i'm a big one myself :biggrin:

    If i get a nod back from cruisers it always appears to be from those that are with non cruiser type bikes ..... strange?

    If i'm in the car, I make an exagerated move to the side hoping that lets them wonder if i'm a biker too and that I wish I was on mine....how sad:rolleyes:
  6. Yes I nod at oncoming bikes, even scooters, although very few of them nod back, also make the move to the side to allow bikes past and the majority of them acknowledge that, so thank you.
  7. I nod at bikes coming the other way, but at the weekend the closer I got to Bury Hill it just got ridiculous so I gave up! I generally don't bother with cruiser type bikes as they're grumpy Harley types.
    In the car I move over when appropriate I always have, most acknowledge with a wave or something.
  8. I think we have had this before but on the other site ,i nod to everyone but do get facked off with BMW riders who seam to think they are a cut above normal riders and do not see themselve as bikers images.jpg

  9. Well if you were continually riding from Milton Keynes to the Horn of Africa, you wouldn't have time to nod either. :wink:
  10. its hard hard work in europe as ALL the bikers nod and wave even when you over take them , the hardest thing is going down a mountin hairpin trying to get your knee down and you pass a german comming the other way as he still gives you the wave almost doing a high 5 as you go around the bend
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  11. It's normally hairy arsed HOG riders that don't nod in my experience...........oh and teenage tearaway scooter boi's who don't know any better :biggrin:
  12. I do usually wave or nod. However, when I'm out and about on my 1990 ZZR I find most people return the gesture. When I'm out on the 1198 I seem to treated like a leper by everyone on two wheels. Case in point, A 175 mile trip between Hampshire and Devon. I received the sum total of two waves/nods, despite it being (unfortunately!) a popular tourist route. The two I did recieve were off motorcycles that had a familiar red paint shade - to these people (one on a 998 in Bridport and the first chap on a 1198 on the A31, a cheery thankyou!
    (Could it be because I was following a BMW 800 thingy?)
  13. I would wave/nod to other bikers, but I barely see any cars on my rideouts, let alone other bikes :biggrin: :upyeah:
  14. Do the sheep wave? I bet your ex lovers do :biggrin:
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  15. Always let on to other bikers, even cruisers ... couple of mates ride cruisers, but only because they'd had accidents and cant sit comfortably on a proper bike anymore. It's the lawyer/doctor weekend Harley riders who tend not to wave back ... probably because they're already struggling to stay upright, shuffling 300+kg of donkey along with less power than a CB500.......

    I nod to police, kids on bridges, cars that have moved over, anyone stuck staring out of a bus, but then that's maybe just me ...... my lad goes mad - if we're going out he keeps saying "oh gawd, are you going to talk to strangers again when we get there?" ..... YES!
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  16. The sheep don't wave, and supermodels are usually too busy to stand on the side of the road just in case I happen to ride by. :upyeah:
  17. Marino sheep are not usually called "super models" but I can understand that that's what you call them in NZ :wink:
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  18. I always leave the pub 5 minutes before closing time when staying in Wales .... there's loads of sheep in the field but you don't want to get left with an ugly one :wink:
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  19. I,m not fit or quick enough for a Merino :wink:
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  20. I nod to other bikes and I also drove a 110 Landrover - Landy drivers do enjoy a nod to fellow drivers too - so I have to remember where I am as I often catch myself nodding to the wrong group!

    Could be worse I suppose, I nearly tried filtering in the Landy once when I forgot what I was driving and that wouldnt have gone down well ......

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