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Do you do an impression of a nodding dog?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by El Toro, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Do you ever find yourself nodding to bikers when driving your car?


    Just me then :biggrin:
  2. Yes :-D
  3. Got a wave and funny hand indications yesterday from a cruiser then went round bend and there was a speed trap, glad they took number plates of the front of bikes.
  4. What is the accepted hand signal to other bikes for for that - I always pat the top of my lid?


  5. I go for the thumbs down or a quick flash of the lights - I'm a nodder - If I see any any supermodels I make a mental note of it and go back later when I've got me wellies ...
  6. Over here it's a sort of repeated pushing something into the floor gesture.

    Pointy police hats not known here, so Monty Pythonish patting-your-helmet gestures are not going to be understood.

    Actually, if you're travelling abroad, it's wise to know the "police are around the next bend" local gesture.
  7. Thats what I would do too.
  8. Yep I nod, but TBH i dont nod to scooters....well not all anyhow. I will tell you why and to be honest there may be some backlash from it but i have my very own personal reasons for not nodding at scooters.....ok My view (and i may divert from the nodding slightly but bear with me) is that as bikers we try to set an example and it irritates me when people assume biking is dangerous....effectively its not biking is only as dangerous as the rider sat on it and most incidents occur from car drivers with the usual "i didnt see you". A vast majority of bikers kit up and are safe and use the road correctly and dont take unnecessary risks and act like well complete dicks.....SCOOTERs on the other hand I have seen so many young lads no gloves, stupid motocross/off road helmets two sizes to big, trainers undone....shorts, t-shirts or none at all.....gooning around pulling wheelies unnecessarily riding 3 abreast, no obeservations no signals, complete irradict maneovres and the list goes on........and on and on........and therefore I do not give them the satisfaction of a nod from me because as far as I am concerned they are not worthy of feeling that they are welcome to the biking club! Oh this is my opinion, dont expect others to agree but like i said its my opinion!!!!! :cool:
  9. Not sure if it's still in the highway code but that is/was the taught hand signal for slowing down
  10. Yup - Plod about...:eek:
  11. Yep, guilty!
    My wife and kids find it very funny :rolleyes:
  12. Yes I nod at other bikers, including scooter riders (especially after someone on a Vespa rode to my rescue in the pre-Monster days). The only times I don't nod are if my attention is fully engaged e.g. coming off a roundabout where I'm looking at traffic in a dozen directions at once.

    On the continent this summer I was surprised not to have lots of "French kick" leg waves - far more common was a wave of the left hand, which I of course reciprocated.

    Occasionally in a car I've caught myself almost nodding at bikers before realising they'll think I'm some sort of weirdo for nodding at them.

    I found myself nodding at a bunch of bikers stopped at the side of the road in France as I rode past before my brain kicked in and I thought "hang on a minute - they're all in blue and this is a motorway - gendarmes!"

    I will sometimes wave at kids if they turn to look at the Monster as I ride past.

    Scooby drivers also nod at each other. BMW drivers, needless to say, do not. (Other half has a P1 Impreza and a 330d). I think it's driving a cult/enthusiast's vehicle like a Scooby or old Landy as opposed to merely "car as domestic appliance" utilitarian transport.
  13. Re flashing of lights to warn of speed traps: I'd quite like to know the law that you're supposed to be breaking. Anyone have any idea?

    I mean, suppose you say to a suspicious individual who looks tooled up for a break-in : "Don't burgle that house. You might get caught". Does that make you guilty of an offence? So if you flash your lights as if to say "Don't speed - you might get caught", what's the difference?

    I just don't get it.

    You can't say that advising the individual not to burgle is encouraging them to do so. Seems all very mysterious to me.
  14. I've found ducati riders are the worst in london. Never say hello.
  15. After reading through a few threads on other forums it appears that they (the police) are using mis-use of headlights as the charge, same as fog lights being wrongly used
  16. I got a warning and told I'd be charged with preventing a police officer from carrying out his duty, which in my eyes I wasn't as he could still of carried out his job, but chose to stop me instead.
  17. If flashing the headlight is mis-use....whats it for then. I thought the highway code says it was to warn people of danger?

    Well there's a danger of them getting caught speeding! :upyeah:
  18. I noticed the same, almost everyone puts out a hand now. But I do love the continent, all the bikes (even some BMWs!) wave, kids wave or make reving motions with their hands, cars notice you and pull over. evryone just seems happy for you to be there+ :upyeah:
  19. I'd love to see the actual text of the law. I mean, it must say what constitutes a misuse.

    Plus, how many points is that worth then? Fine? "£100 - misuse of headlights" - can't see that sticking.
    Is it misusing your headlights to encourage people to respect the law and the Highway Code?
    This all sounds so police state-ish.
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