Do you ever dream of crashing your bike?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. My recurring dream is that I am standing in front of my closed curtains, and I can hear something approaching outside.

    Sometimes the sound is mechanical (e.g. could be a helicopter), other times 'natural' (e.g. a flying creature, rustling or growling noises).

    Whatever it is, the sound gets louder until it is just outside the curtains and (thankfully) closed window.

    I spend some considerable time evaluating my options, but always conclude that I must open the curtains and discover what is outside.

    The noise gets louder, the level of anxiety increases, and eventually I grab the curtains and prepare to pull them apart.

    Just as I start to pull the curtains apart, I wake up.

    I never see what is outside. I often wake up in a sweat.

    Sometimes I have either pissed or shit the bed (but thankfully not very often).

    I think I might be a revenue opportunity for a shrink.
  2. best read in yonks. nice.
  3. Stressed by name...reckon you are a revenue opportunity for Dunelm Mills as it it...
  4. Unfortunately Bradders, Dunelm Mill don't have a section for "customers who prefer something not made of wool, cheese or belly button fluff".
  5. Used to have the falling off the cliff, waking up just before the bottom dream as a kid, plus the crumbling teeth one, and also the naked floating away one, but can't remember/don't have dreams anymore.
  6. I dreamt I lowsided last night. Never had a crash dream before so I'm blaming this thread :biggrin:

    If I do dream about bikes its being able to pull mahooooosive Wheelies. Definitely booking that wheelie school in the spring to address my obvious inadequacies!
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  7. I thought you said ample, not excessive.......
  8. Ahh leave Figgy alone :smile:
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  9. One surely you mean nightmares, not dreams of motorcycle accidents.
    Dreams are Yolandi, whips and a hot tubs full of warm custard.

    Tramadole is great for dreams, day dreams or night dreams...I still have thoughts (both awake and sleeping) of starting to fall, but never in mid air or landing...weired.

    These days I dream about work, actually planning out how various installs will be done. Very industrious, not really erotic anymore.
  10. One of the strongest dreams I ever had:
    Woke up convinced I'd written off my Gixer 750. felt absolutely gutted. I had planned in my head what to say to the insurance assessor and how much I would get/pay to buy another one etc etc. Even going as far as deciding to look at cheap car filth as temporary transport. All this was going through my head as I more or less ran to the garage where my bike was; some 200 yards away, convinced it was in pieces. The relief I felt when I flew the door up and saw that the bike was ok was palpable. Never had such a strong dream feeling since in over 25 years. Bloody odd that was.

    Do think a lot while riding what would happen if I crossed the road and went head on into a truck grill or windscreen! Strange but true. Really hope this is just me.
  11. I dreamt it was stolen the other night and got up crying !!!!

    The other vivid one I had 2 nights ago ,
    I was riding down the A12 with a friend and I overtook them looked back smiled and then let go of my bike.
    I then remotely saw myself hit the barrier fly through the air and a horrible thud as I hit the ground . I then woke up.

    It was very vivid .. But strangely peaceful .
  12. My mate fell out of bed once whilst riding the local bike. Does that count?
  13. I did once have the falling dream, and hit the bottom. You don't die, in my case I shattered
  14. Are you okay Phil?
  15. Yeah, I'm fine thanks Matt, I just woke up after shattering
    #35 philoldsmobile, Nov 10, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
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  16. Sorry to hear Finm, it must limit your riding enjoyment. Dreams can reflect real life quite closely sometimes. I had a dream in my 20's where I wrote my car off - woke up with a start and had to look out the window to remind myself that I actually had.
  17. I can completely empathise.

    After my previous accident (rear ended from a reasonable speed) I found I was very aware of stopping at roundabouts and junctions, but it soon passed - that was after a riding hiatus of just about a month.

    This time? Well, I've been off for a year so far, with another couple to go (At least) when i do get back on a bike, the first time someone approaches a junction from my left I fully expect to feel a little nervous.
  18. plenty good roads about around here to enjoy, but would be nice to tour more down south, up shot is when i plan a trip i end up on A and B roads, best part of travaling is the journy an all that. i am about 60mls to the nearest duel carragway so dont get much practise on em, think i will try going up and down the A9 next spring, worst of it is i wasnt even on a bike when i had the accident and i wasnt hurt.
  19. Understand completely - have had similar scenario 4 times this year with me luckily taking avoiding action. All were in daylight with my headlight on (and not speeding*) and the last one had me standing up on the pegs and shouting at the driver at the top of my voice. I don't think they can grasp that broken bones or possibly death was just narrowly avoided.

    *quip from Andy possibly imminent.
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