See if you hadn't ridden all those two strokes your other foot would have stayed red in colour! (Explanation for the kids, two stroke exhaust has a blue tinge!)
its okay if it match or it doesn't ... if matching then it;s an ''organised look'' ...when it doesn't its more '' funky look'' stand out and mismatch !!!!
Shoes - who needs more than one pair? I've got a set of plain black leather steel toecap shoes in my desk drawer at work, and take them home on occasion if there is a Wedding or Funeral happening. I prefer more useful items like - trainers, bike boots, walking boots, mountain biking shoes and of course no country boy should be without a pair of wellies. I don't do posh, the only fancy labels I have are Ducati in metal and plastic x3 and Dainese in leather x2 all properly co-ordinated - predominantly RED of course.
Got one on the same wavelength - very low maintenance in the fashion dept, but she has got more bikes than me - Ducati, Triumph, Harley, Triton...., so I have to do more mechanical maintenance. But I only work on the Ducati, I wouldn't soil my hands with the other stuff.