Does it encourage bad behaviour..? Yes it does. Cos when peeps get home and upload their home gp vid they realise just how shite they are on a bike and start trying a bit harder...
I've done vids on road and track and tbh after its turned to record totally forget its there. If you look what the Baron does, he films and talks in the lower limits, and these days blurs/zips thru the bits he doesn't want to use just on case
Does having an 'action camera' on a bike encourage the rider take more risks? No, it just records you when you were doing and shows every double white line overtake without prejudice, or doing 30 in a 30. It comes down to the next part, what do you do with that footage and also what the footage is showing, riding at 100mph in a 60pmh road then uploading it, is fundamentally different to doing 35 in a 30 but clipping a bunch of kid that ran across the road. I don't know why people upload the shit that they know could get them in trouble, I guess its narcissism.
I record some stuff on the bike from time to time on the road so I guess I'm the forum fuckwit. I'm also not just below average when it comes to riding skills I am absolutely fuckin hopeless and having had a license for over 30 years the chance for radical improvement now are probably slim. I do sometimes put up stuff to YouTube but "unsubscribed" and what I do post up is milder than fairy liquid. The purpose is that YouTube is an easy way to share some of the footage with friends etc: Like PingPing I don't actually particularly enjoy using it and prefer to ride without it. Trying to get good footage, can be difficult and it does affect what little ability I have. Not for risk taking but wondering if the camera is still on the bike and not a mile up the road somewhere. Its a form of narcissism I guess, I do it so as I can view it back on shit days and its just a reminder of a good day by me for me, if others who know me watch it that's Ok, but its not my primary reason for filming. Nobody is going to be impressed with my skill (they might be impressed with the lack of it) or looks. Like PingPing I use it when ski-ing, rafting or anything that I think I may want to look at again. Its also amazing how that time you thought your knee must be just skimming the ground turns out to have had hardly left the tank. But Heh Ho lets slag off everybody whose mindset isn't identical, who may inconvenience or be different and then ban it to make the world a safer place......................I heard there are people who don't like motorcycles, but its probably just another urban myth.
Don't think this is a thread to slag off people who use them. Its a discussion point to find out what people think and its not here to nail anyone up. I know an IAM guy who uses a camera for training and recording routes and trust me, his 20 min videos take a bit of sitting through.....all very correct but not great entertainment. People use these cameras for different things and if your reason is to review and improve your riding, great. I don't know if I could trust myself with one though....maybe I'm a showoff but I have the view that people like this : Buy them for different reasons than people like this : I suspect the first thinks about the camera in a very different way. Edit : Just for the record Im not like the first character.......or the second really......somewhere in the middle with less hair and a higher percentage of body fat
If you stick a vid up showing 100 mph wheelies between trucks and bling corner white line overtakes, you're a fukwit. If you stick up a vid of a nice ride up a mountain road to show off what you've done and look back and enjoy it, that just makes you a show off lol I have a few, mostly track or where on road for private use only unless edited and shown for a reason, eg some real knob riding or driving. Only share track in the main.
Just make sure you don't upload anything that involves running down cyclists. That'll get you into a world of abuse. Remember the cat-bin-lady.
I use it, not on the road but on the track. I like having the video but dont think about the camera when Im on the bike.
It's very valuable to see what you really look like rather than your self perception which is inevitably that you are a hero when you are not I'd buy one if I thought I could get better angles to analyse my riding ( and to show off to my gran ) but they always seem a bit rubbish when they are on your own bike. I've used them on the Drift car on track and the only time I thought it was worthwhile was when the video was taken by a chase car that wasn't afraid to get up close. I'd like to pair up with a mate that is a similar speed so we could get chase video of each other on track, or road if we're in a decent spot. As for how it influences your riding, I dont think it makes a huge difference. If someone is going to ride sensibly or like a hooligan then that is just how they ride and I dont think a video camera will change much unless they are particularly stupid.
from my experience it actually does the opposite. It was one of the main reasons i started recording my commutes as i kept getting a tug on the way to work... ohhh errr. I find having a camera on makes you feel that you shouldnt do anything too silly on the roads for the simple reason its all on tape.
and just to add - the police may ASK you to hand over the camera, but they cannot force you to do so. You may want to review the way in which you were pulled over and dealt with for example.
yeah just watch all the above's videos.....there's a lesson in patience, observation, positioning, anticipation....and most of all attitude... let alone PACE and common Law....
I wondered how long that would take I think its interesting to hear peoples thoughts on this and why they are used. I assumed that 75% of people used them to show off with the other 25% using them for more practical purposes like education and improvement. I hadn't considered that some would use them to 'self police' to an extent.