I saw the email, and got a text.. one of the guys I ride with booked 3 garage spaces but didn't book one for me. I looked last night after work, 2 spaces but booking online was not obvious so I left it. If the weather is like this (although it might rain?) The garage doors will be open, I'll set up next to the rubbish bins.
Thanks Cookster. I think they will probably do a walk around telling people, 3 riders per. Pete (lives near me) not on the forum, would let me in too. See what happens
I was at donnington with Focused events a few weeks ago in a garage I had booked, didn’t stop a couple of other people squeezing in and no one said a word so I’m sure you will be able to find a space without issue
It’s not the organisers who care mate it’s msv due to their covid restrictions only allowing 3 per garage. the organisers will check periodically through the day if they have the staff to do so. I had to Turf out numerous the other month.
Hi, has anyone received the itinerary for the day, says it was on the last email, but doesn't seem to be there. Cheers
Lovely weather to not have a garage. Didn’t realise they sold every garage before hand, usually leave a few to first come first served. Should have expected it with FE
Hope you got signed ok Dean? Weather looks ok in an hour or two, hopefully a good afternoon ahead. Go drink some tea and kick a few tyres