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Donnington Park - Ducati Only Track Day 28th May £175

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by mattmccabebrown, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. Was a good day catching up with friends but having brought the 996 back from Aragon on slicks I saw no point taking it out of the van, I've done enough wet days and doing another held no appeal.

    Lunch was nice though !!!
  2. Well I thoroughly enjoyed my 175 quid bacon sarnie, yum yum.... I was back at the house for 1200 as I could see the place was gonna need an Arc by 1700.
    I was running slicks and don't do wet so that was that. But as said, it seemed a well put together do and there's nowt anyone can do about the weather. A bit of a pisser all the same.
    Roll on Friday!! Croft!! Sunshine!! Come On.....
  3. I got my moneys worth from the coffee, wont sleep for a week
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  4. Well done DUK for a complete shambles of a day, a complete and total waste of time effort and money, not their fault about the weather but

    1: It should have been cancelled at 07:30 this morning as track was un-rideable without wet race tyres
    2: The promised Alstare team were not there
    3: The extortionate price was supposed to include lunch, I don't call a scabby sausage roll and a bit of lettuce a decent lunch
    4: Focus Events are / were the rudest most objectionable bunch of twats
    5: As far as I'm concerned DUK & FE have stolen my cash

    This is the second DUK organised event I have attended and the second waste of time....what a thoroughly shit day.
  5. The guys on Super Corsas or Racetecs deserve medals as said before deserve medals. I had a few 'moments' on full wets. Panigales dont crash to well I notice, but the shock was unscathed which is always a bonus (not mine, I havent got that sort of money)
  6. IMG00206-20130528-1619.jpg IMG00207-20130528-1620.jpg who rode this one then?


  7. Thats 3 more than me. Did the sighting laps and that was it.
    Decently run day with good craic, but still wincing at the total cost. Sick as a chip just doesn't cover it. :frown:
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  8. So you had a good day then lol
  9. IMG00205-20130528-1618.jpg IMG00204-20130528-1617.jpg IMG00203-20130528-1617.jpg IMG00201-20130528-1535.jpg IMG00198-20130528-1409.jpg IMG00197-20130528-1409.jpg IMG00196-20130528-1334.jpg IMG00195-20130528-1334.jpg IMG00194-20130528-1332.jpg IMG00193-20130528-1332.jpg IMG00192-20130528-1331.jpg IMG00191-20130528-1330.jpg IMG00190-20130528-1324.jpg IMG00189-20130528-1324.jpg big thanks to everyone i met today














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  10. Only just realised I'd been speaking to you today when I saw your photos........... hi there :)
  11. Did you not realise it was him when he moved you in to the track day section :biggrin:
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  12. I did enjoy meeting up with all the guy's I don't see very often but I could have done without travelling 250 miles paying for a hotel room and paying £175 to FE and getting absolutely nothing for it, I've seen professional racing called off for less water than we had today.
  13. The laps on SC2s were interesting but got some part worm wets on, first time ever, and loved those ;-)

    Not a bad laugh in the bar Mon night either ;-)

  14. Hi, who were you :biggrin::biggrin:
  15. So lets get this right, Ducati UK/FE pay for track hire, marshals, medical staff, catering, organise stuff like bike safe talks, Q&A with a few well known racers/corse staff... It's pissing down.. Not much anyone can do about that in who I've named so far...

    If the event was cancelled at 7:30 this morning how would they ave communicated that to everyone? Some people travelled up yesterday, we set off at 5:30 this morning, some arrived post 7:30???

    And by cancelling would you expect a refund at DUK/FE's expense because of the weather? If that's the case TDO's would be out of business as would the circuit owners, no one was forced to go out I didn't, am I pissed off? No I made the best of a bad situation, drank coffee laughed with my mates, caught up with mates I haven't seen in a while and made some new ones to boot...

    Yes the food could possible be better, but they are feeding a lot of people in a small period of time.. I enjoyed it, it could be improved but for a track day I don't expect a Michelin star service, better than a cheap greasy burger IMO.

    Im sorry you feel that way, but you can't help the weather unfortunately... It pissing down at Mugello last week at DRE and they paid a hell of a lot more than us for example.
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  16. Agree^^. The TDO can cancel the event, but FE's policy is they will only refund/ credit if no-one has been out on track due to weather and they have to stop the event.

    I, for one am glad I went out because that's the wettest I've ridden in on track and it was good to learn what can actually be done in weather like that. And also to learn to put faith in your equipment. I will let go well before it does!
    #276 abmatt2002, May 28, 2013
    Last edited: May 28, 2013
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  17. think supermario, in your garage, my mate had the 996.
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  18. :biggrin: what a wonderfully colourful description :tongue:. It was nice meeting you too, albeit a bit to briefly. Always nice to put a face to the name thou :upyeah:
  19. Okay this should work, this is some footage of me doing the sighting laps
    #279 mattmccabebrown, May 28, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  20. That's northerners for you
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