Way wide of the mark there fella. This ‘invasions’ helped liberate Europe. And you should be thanking them in remembrance for it
I wondered how long it would be before the passive aggressive Remembrance Day based figure-pointing at lefties started and it seems I have my answer. I should have run a sweepstake on it. It may come as a surprise to you but it is possible to be both "woke" to adopt the pejorative term as useful shorthand, but to also be thankful for the sacrifice of those who saved the UK from fascism (though for the past few years the UK seems to be happily adopting a form of fascism-lite incrementally without any help from the Germans). It is clear from many of your posts that you have no real grasp of the issues underpinning the BLM movement but given that your life experiences almost certainly have never brought you into contact with them, it's understandable and is just a fact, not a criticism, so let's agree to differ on this one?
Oh goodie, here we go, more passive aggressive nonsense of undermining others views by making swathing assumptions, using lots of long words and inferring lack of intelligence and double inferring some lack of moral right to comment or and underlying hint of fascist accusation. We done. Of course, I’m white too so am not permitted a view on race or BLM or ‘the struggle’ unless it states all white peoples oppress all black people. Even then I’m not sure that qualifies me for an opinion, does it. Yep we’ll agree to disagree. Another thread on ignore.
Room 101 comes to mind on these people,they're wasting just good oxygen,that's required elsewhere in life for the horizontal people just hanging in there.
“Lots of long words”? Lol. What? Like “incrementally”? And stop playing the victim - I didn’t say you were a fascist or anything like that. I said Britain is slowly adopting a form of fascism. Of course, if I’m wrong and you do have relevant life experience of how black people are treated by police and more generally in society then go right ahead and share. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but they’re not all of equal validity and sometimes it’s better to just listen and to accept that if a group of people are, more or less universally, describing a state of affairs which cannot possibly be within your experience, then maybe just have enough humility to just take their word for it rather than arguing against it from a position of ignorance.